You do not understand how MMR is used

We all know the matchmaking is broken but I’ve seen so many people say that if your MMR increases, you get worse teammates to average you out.

They WANT to believe it.

After all, it would explain why they just can’t climb.

Very simply, it does not work like that because your SR is not used in matchmaking.

Let me explain…

For the purposes of this example, I will say MMR is on the same scale as SR.

I am 2000 SR and 2000 MMR and win a few games while posting outlier stats every single game. As a result:

  • My SR is now 2100
  • My MMR is now 2400.

What these people think happens
The match maker tries to find me a 2100 SR game and matches me with 1800 MMR players on my team to balance out my MMR of 2400.

I get bad teammates.

What actually happens
The matchmaker tries to find me a fair match around 2400 MMR.

That’s it.

I could be the lowest MMR player or the highest MMR player but my SR has NOTHING to do with it.

The only time SR comes into it is when people are grouping. Since we can’t see MMR, they place a restriction on something we CAN see when we want to group up. This can create a massive MMR range and we start seeing weird things happening in game.

Other than that, you are NOT being punished for winning with bad teammates. I’m all for criticizing the matchmaking but let’s stop this nonsense.


This. I sometimes feel like every misconception and conspiracy theory around MMR devolves into someone trying to mentally insert SR back into the equation, when SR has absolutely nothing to do with anything outside of, as you mention, grouping limits.

SR is literally just a number that (slowly) follows after your MMR. The entire matchmaking system interacts with MMR and only MMR.

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The issue is consistency. Which increases massively as you rank up, indeed, it is prerequisite for climbing in the first place. There are Diamonds who can, on a good day, play like Masters or even GMs, but they don’t belong in Masters lobbies. Those same Diamonds can also play like Plats on a bad day or if they’re pressured too hard, and the lower the rank the more wild the inconsistencies can get. While the higher the rank the more rock-solid player-performance is, and needs to be. A lucky streak of wins does not magically transform a Diamond, or god forbid Plat player into a Masters player, and a system that pretends it does, and shoves them into Masters lobbies is just setting them up for failure, and punishing success.

Of course I understand rapidly-evolving MMR is the best solution to smurfing. So it really comes down to what players want. Do you want to be abused by higher-ranked players in the event your own limited successes instantly shove you into lobbies where you can’t compete, or do you want to be abused by higher-ranked players who are smurfing in the lobbies where you can have more balanced games.

Personally I think smurfing is a far less universal issue.

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Doesn’t matter what it is , the fact is blizzard admitted they force games to be “50-50” . The teams with the highest variance in MMR loses because if you are down 1 team mate you will lose. So there are forced wins and forced losses. What you said could potentially be a forced win scenario


Whatever you say. I actually cannot wait for the Hog nerfs because I am sick and tired of carrying deadweight. You can call me delusional all you want even though you literally just wrote a thread trying to prove something without addressing it at all. So it would certainly be ironic.

But I need a nerf. Will report back if my teammates are still eating glue despite my performance loss.

addressing what ? that blizzard forces 50-50 ? how about you read the developer notes .

I’m actually not debating whether the system is good or not, I’m just tired of the misinformation.

I will say it’s hard to know whether someone is in a diamond player is in masters lobby because their MMR has been boosted after a streak or if it’s just the matchmaker trying to compensate for a Duo with a wide SR range on the other team.

No - they said that MMR stabilized (i.e. doesn’t move) once you hit a 50% win rate. If that is forcing 50% then any matchmaker that is looking for an even game is also forcing 50%.

What they have said is that they look for a 50-50 predicted chance of winning but that has a tolerance of up to 60/40. So there are some unbalanced games for sure but there is nothing to say the widest MMR range isn’t the most advantageous. If the highest MMR person in the team with a wide SR range is a cracked Sojourn or Hog, I’m sure that’s an advantage.

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For a moment there, I was very confused as to how you arrived at 2000 MMR. This text was so small I glanced over it. :joy:

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Uhhh no it’s basically forced based off your previous game to keep you at 50-50 . That’s why 80% of games are one sided stomps. The game forces it in a variety of ways but I beleive it’s the DPS MMR factor . Let’s be honest , a diamond healer won’t be able to carry the game vs a diamond DPS . This is how the game creates uneven match ups. Also if you go on a win streak the game is known to pair you with leavers to balance your MMR.

You’re not getting paired with “better players” . many times you are the best player on your team but you lose anyway. Please stop drinking the koolaid

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This entire post is a waste of time we already know how it works. Oh and by the way you’re wrong.

The matchmaker tries to find me a 2400 MMR game.

No it does not try to find you a 2400 game. It finds you A GAME that both teams have a 50% chance of winning. You could be 2400 mmr, and someone on your team could be 2000 mmr. Someone on the enemy team could be 2700 mmr. All that matters is the combined team averages. If you don’t understand how that is a rigged system then there is nothing else I can say to you to make it make sense.

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No body here knows how the matchmaker works no one in 6 years has confirmend what goes on behind the scene. Both sides fight back an forth about this or that the fact is no one knows but i can tell you for sure what ever they did in season 2 is vastly diffrent then what alot were seeing in season 1.

The quality of matches are crap now not sayin its forced 50/50 or somethin else i have no clue all i can say 100% are the matchs suck a$$ and if it stays this way good luck haven a stable season 3 with no new content and bad matches.

the shill blizzard employee of the month clutchin’ it with one last post before the end of the year huh??


It’s almost as if blizzard hid every way for players to understand how ranked works and it turns out no one does. Surprised pikachu face.

Exactly this - they know they have a broken game on hand . They go on to hide prfoiles , ranks etc to further their agenda

I’m gm on support and I can carry games vs gm dps easily. It baffles me how people still think support doesn’t have carry potential.

Forced losses and wins aren’t a thing. People cope so hard about being hard stuck its insane.

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Lol I guarantee you cannot carry games. Please share a replay where you “carried” as support. Funny how some people resort to lying

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Congrats on playing Ana Kiriko or Lucio.

Where did you get this from?

Of course this can happen - welcome to competition. You can play well and lose. But if it’s the matchmakers fault, you are suggesting the highest MMR player on your team?

Can you tell me how that is physically possible to do at scale?

The example is to illustrate that important distinction is that it uses MMR, not SR. And one team can be stronger than the other with the matchmaker actually predicting this is the case. The rest is irrelevant but I’m not sure why that is rigging giving rigging is by definition malicious.

That is just not true - there is a wealth of information out there on the matchmaker directly from Blizzard. I’m an stating what has come out. Those talking about “getting bad teammates” are literally making it up.

Have a look at this link for historical comments:

Have a look at this one for a detailed video on a general Activision approach to matchmaking:

And obviously the most recent blog post brings more clarity more recently: Matchmaker Blog post

I actually think the matchmaker is doing a poor job. I’m just trying to stop people being stupid and actually focus on what’s wrong with it. It clearly won’t work with you though.

Listen - you made a claim, please back it with quotes or I can only believe that this is why you think you get “bad teammates”. You don’t believe you can carry because it’s likely true - you aren’t good enough to carry so you are in the right rank.

That video is of many diffrent games hes worked on not just overwatch again nothing 100% has ever bin proven one way or the other. Weve bin given bits an pieces nothing close to how the system actually works and thats how blizz wants it.

Yes . You keep drinking the koolaid thinking you are in control of your games but the truth is the game has a “system tide” . Eevntually if you keep playing you can overcome this tide and get to your stabilized MMR however there is alot of forced wins and losses in the process. I am a diamond player and I deranked to bronze on purpose. it took many many games to get out of bronze even.

This was just an experieemnt to see how broken the comp system really is due to forced pairing with griefers, throwers and leavers whenever you go on a win streak . This game is not built like other games where you can actually solo carry like counterstrike, starcraft or dota. The players are subject to the system tide. But like I said , eventualy you can overcome it by making small “ripples” but it takes a longer time than other games. This game has a longer runway