You didn't fix hanzo

Yes, if you barrel out of spawn with no protection in a single-file line you are vulnerable to rapid headshots. This is not a balance issue. Sorry.


That was never the problem. Blizzard never changed Scatter Arrow because of its damage, they changed it because it could eliminate a target instantly, which felt bad to play against as you couldn’t avoid it.


Zarya 400 HP, zen 200 HP Tracer 150 hp. A total of 750 damage in less than 3 seconds. No splash dmg either to justify it. What at what point does a heroes damage output become broken in your opinion? Because to me the ability to take out half of a rein shield with an ability is pretty OP.


if you see a hanzo lookin at you, just keep jumping. scatter avoided.

Uh, no he doesn’t?

It’s 480 damage over 1.67 seconds if he hits everything. Look up the definition of instant.

Plus he has to aim now right? Not like “no aim” scatter

Reap what you sow.


from everything we have known…excluding Bast and hog…ALL re-works end up being too strong and hated by many people. (, mercy, hanzo, and the short lived hack buff)

Honestly, since Hanzo canfire and hide while shot travels he seems to be better at sniping than widow (least from what I am seeing lately as i avoid using hanzo out of choice)

With his dmg going way up i’d first try either cutting back on cd, amount of ammo it buffs, or increase Ultimate charge time and see if any of those have an effect to calm him a wee bit.

In truth with Storm Arrow I do not think D.Va nor Winston would be able to contest him. Its easy for him to bait out DM and then just mulch her easy to hit critbox to death. Unless storm arrow was heavily nerfed D.Va will never be able to effectively counter Hanzo ever again.

Same thing with Winston, he can just walk into the bubble and mulch Winston’s critbox. Or not even mulch the critbox and just fire one extra arrow.

Maybe Genji could.

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orisa and zarya have 400hp. Im sorry but scatter was easy to dodge and everyone above gold would know how to track an enemy quickly and predict there movement.

and instant can also mean a very short time/ moment

also you can tell when hanzo was about to use scatter making it more avoidable. But this new ability gets whipped out at any moment

also let me also say have you ever played tank?
if you have then you must know how slow they walk. so 1.67 seconds is jack all

And you would be right, but in this context where we are comparing scatter and volley, it’s an INSTANT vs 1.67 seconds.

What are you sorry for? lol.

No, it wasn’t “easy to predict” because there was little to no tell that Hanzo was going to scatter you. You could try to predict it when he jumped up and tilted downwards, but that was it.

Are you for real? Scatter had no tells. Not only is volley fired over 1.67 seconds, but hanzo literally glows and cackles with red/blue energy while having obvious audio cues.

Exactly. Scatter was instant, this is over 1.67 seconds. Are you even reading what you’re writing?

I have. And I press fortify everytime I’m not protected by my shield and hear Hanzo volley. The alternative would be Hanzo instantly killing me with scatter.

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Most pros and GM’s don’t actually consider him OP. They just agree that he’s super effective at the moment. And most of them, Specially those who actually know what they’re talking about also realize that if dive was meta right now, hanzo would not have been so powerful. He’s strong right now because dive isn’t working, and zarya’s in every game. Plus slow shield wars and low mobility targets have always been where hanzo is super successful. EVEN before the rework, he was really powerful in these situations.


At this point I would pay to play a version of Overwatch where Hanzo does not exist. It’s been painful and frustrating to play against this rectal clown character since release. Been looking forward the rework so much, anticipating not seeing him in every game. Now there’s something that’s even worse, in every game, all the time, every day. I don’t see myself being able to stick much longer with this game, I swear I can hear my nerves pop.
Screw that, seriously.


Even with the buffs to Hanzo

Pro Widow>Pro Hanzo


Reworks are supposed to make heroes better and more viable,not worse and less picked lmao

I honestly feel like people like you wanted Hanzo to be “reworked” into a state where he has no E ability,no movement ability,just his Sonic Arrow,his Storm Bow and ultimate,because y’all just can’t stand off meta heroes being viable and picked,which in turn doesn’t allow you to harrass off meta players

you know that the problem with the game is that they listened to “x just needs a buff, nerfing y wouldnt solve the problem” so many times ?

thats why hanzo gets picked twice as much as widow right ?

Wraxu the Godfather of Hanzo literally said he deals a little bit too much damage.

Hanzo’s GM win rate and pick rate are now rivaling Brigitte’s and over the past month have jumped from 46% to 52% and from 2% to almost 6% respectively in all ranks but sure he totally doesn’t any nerfs. Sombra with her sub 2% pick rate though needed to be nerfed ASAP. Blizzard logic.

I’m a dedicated hanzo main since the day I bought the game and I HATE what he is now. I agree that they have taken away scatter and replaced it with something worse in terms of power.

He does feel more like Mccree and I hate that. I can’t get on with him anymore.

What I would have liked was for them to have just nerfed scatter arrow or made it require more skill to use. I really don’t understand why they had to change his primary fire as well. that to me was the strangest change which I just think was unnecessary

I played him a bit before the rework and I think that changing scatter was good, the issue wasnt that he could one shot tanks (well, it was, and it felt cheap af) but more so that he couldnt do damage consistently. The rework puts him in a good spot but i have to agree his damage is too much. I think removing the ability to headshot with it would do wonders in lowering how good it is and maybe raising the cooldown to 10 seconds.

I main tank and playing against a hanzo is infuriating because of how much damage he does and how fast he does it. Sure its not instant and its still a bit of a skill shot, less so than before, but i went from full hp on winston to, 100, ulted (1000hp) to 100 again in the span of 10ish seconds seconds fighting a zen and a hanzo. Which would have been relatively free kills before.

You guys hated Hanzo when he was a “troll pick” now you hate him because he is viable. The forums are a swamp. Here’s a bonus to the buff that I welcome. HANZOS ARE NOW GETTING ON THE FRIGGIN POINT! If you can’t be happy about that, uninstall.

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