You didn't buff Ram, you nerfed shields

As a Rein main, when Ram was added call I could think of was: “Oh great, another Rein counter”. Yeah, he is, but pummel is also great into Orsia, D.Va, Winston and great into Brig and I have gotten used to it a bit. The thing was HE punched through shields, NOT his team. So, you know, I could take 2-3 punches with my shield up, and if I was getting healed, I could just back away while holding shield up, because if I stopped shielding, enemy Widow just scores a headshot.
As if it wasn’t enough that so many times as soon as the enemy team sees me, they switch to Bastion just for my Rein shield. I haven’t even done anything yet and a wild Bastion appears. As if it wasn’t enough shields already break fast and I have to spend a lot of time regenerating the HP on it, now Ram comes with a shield-punching-kung-fu-action. This isn’t a buff to Ram, this is a sniper buff in disguise. Now I can’t just hold shield into him, cause he’s gonna one-inch-punch it in a second. So I either drop it and smack him back or I let it break, either way, a win for Widow.


They should have just made Mauga’s burn better against shields if they wanted a tank Bastion. Ram didn’t need his unique ability changed so he could fit a niche nobody asked for and his mains never wanted.


Old Ramattra: 650 barrier damage, 650 damage to Reinhardt
New Ramattra: 1625 barrier damage

If you seriously think this is a buff then I have no words.

indeed, not a buff for ram but a nerf for his playstyle, pumel piercing was not an ability to waste breaking shields, 6 seconds out of 8 seconds breaking shields looks like a terrible plan.

what’s next, make doom stun barriers into walls? sigma ultimate will also lift barriers? it makes no sense. only fanboys are trying to make it make sense by forcing arguments without even touching ram.

but its too late to turn back now ♪

thanks for you rein pov and farewell brother ramattra.

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So what I’m hearing is “nerf Widow”. Don’t worry, OP. I’m with you.

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So, the mythic skin conspiracy is true 🕵‍♂️
They nerfed Widowmaker’s biggest counter, Sombra, and nerfed barriers. All to sell the new mythic :nerd_face:

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I disagree on the part where you say it’s a buff.
It’s a nerf, it feels like it.
We, Ram mains, never cared about shields. Our satisfaction was punching people through shields just as pinning someone, especially out of map, is satisfaction for rein mains.
This is just boring now and bad playstyle to play Ram.


and rein with no shield = rein dead

dealing 650 dmg with ram alone on rein can be easily healed by a single support

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The worst part is that they did not change it because of Rammatra mains. They changed it because losers used him when an alpha Reinhardt dominated them on their actual main…


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hot take, rein from mirrorwatch was a test for phreak, and now that our ram massage bshields, a tank like phreak will benefit from it

still a bad move on ram if happens to be true.

Ramattra’s pummel does 108 DPS, no support heals nearly that much. Even if they could, that would make it so that Reinhardt wouldn’t be able to heal while holding up his barrier, he could only sustain his health.

No mercy for reinhard mains

he has armor, meaning less damage actually, on top of healing done

and by the time ram pummeling is done, rein lost around 100…150hp overall… while still having his shield available

now same scenario with current ram : rein shield gets melted, and rein suddenly takes dmg from the whoel tema, including antinades…sleeps etc…

as a rein main, its often better to just shield ram pummeling, rather than taking dmg from both him and his team

now…good luck XD

Funny how not even Rein mains like the change, lets just go back to yesterdays patch

And you’re saying those “Alpha” Reinhardt mains become a toddler against a Rammattra?
They aren’t “Alpha” enough to beat a Ram? That doesn’t sound very Alpha, that just sounds like a skill issue.
You haven’t met an actual Alpha Reinhardt bud.

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Pummel against armor does 96~ DPS

We have supports that can do over 90 healing per second on their own. Heck even a mercy tether can reduce that to 36~ damage per second.

Not to say that pummeling through shields didnt have its advantages, and could definitely be useful to secure eliminations on low HP targets who thought theyd be safe through his shield-

But I wouldnt be so quick to write off being able to do critical damage to a shield.

Emphasizing here what ive said else where: Im not saying this isnt a net nerf for Ram. Tho TBH i dont really have enough experience to make a good estimate on the balance- But I dont think its as “weak” as some people might make it out to be off the bat either.

Ram alone can break reins shield- Let alone if anyone else, or another shield breaker, is contributing. Ive literally seen reins shield break in 2 seconds flat now. Its a huge amount of pressure on rein and his team. It makes his shield utterly worthless.

I understand the “imma miss being able to punch through shields” thing - but this isnt without merit either.

You need to understand is that the purpose of Reinhardt’s shield is to keep him alive when he’s at risk of dying. He’s not going to be holding it up when he’s at full health, it’s a stop gap between him and death. It’s very important for him to be able to heal while it’s deployed so he can go back to doing things like swinging, charging, and firestriking.

It’s more beneficial for Reinhardt to break his barrier and get healed to full than it is for him to have it up longer but lose or even not regain any health. He can’t actually do anything while his barrier is up.

We nerfed armor.
We nerfed shields.
We nerfed knockback resistance.
We nerfed sombra invis.
We buffed sojourn.

Yup sniper poke meta inbound.

Not necessarily. The match up is more team based, in my opinion. I am totally biased, however. If my team pressures Rammatra, it’s easy work. If their team pressures me, there is not much I can do about it except for hold shield until I die. It’s cheesy.

The Reinhardt player is alpha because they do not cower and switch to a hard counter. I have no idea what definition you are using. You seem to believe “alpha” means skilled at the game. I suck, bro.

Oh, I should I have just read this sentence before responding. Lol. Well, yeah, my intuition is correct, as always!


What does this even mean? I should have read this sentence before claiming my intuition is always correct because I have genuinely no clue what you are talking about.

:muscle: :sweat_smile:

It’s okay to be beta, though. Swap to Rammatra if you have to. I get it! It would be you, and everyone… I wouldn’t expect anything else.

… or they could have made Ram’s punch do a bit more damage in general and then reduce 30% when going through a shield.

But yeah, classic Blizz “banhammer”, they went full nutz.