'You can't smurf in QP and Arcade!' they said

I think we all know that no amount of ‘social media reaction’ would get Blizzard to change much of anything, so really what you’re saying is that Blizzard has already made up their minds about the issue and you’ve decided to take the path of least resistance and accept that fact, rather than having an opinion outside of what is determined to be happening in the game’s future. Which I can understand, but also it’s very much a towing the line kind of mentality that I just don’t have.

I’m not here to act like Blizzard will make any changes based on forum opinions, I doubt they read or care what any of us think ~ that said, I still want to point out the stuff that I notice because I did once care a lot about this game and where it was going. I don’t have any hope for it getting better anymore, that’s been long dead, but it doesn’t change what is or isn’t fun.

And getting curbstomped in a casual game mode is not fun.

It really, really isn’t. And no amount of simply accepting that Blizzard is butchering the game into some weird new not-Overwatch thing won’t make it fun, either.

Like I get it, but I don’t need to be happy with the outcome. I think they made bad, stupid choices, and have turned a great game into a far worse one, and will only continue to do so, because they refuse to even consider listening to their player base until it’s far too late.


If you want an even match go play Comp… that’s literally what Competitive was made for…

I’d rather have faster ques and looser matchmaking, than have to wait in longer ques for a more “balanced” QP match because whiners won’t just go play Competitive where they’re safe in their skill bracket :woman_facepalming:

And the game doesn’t have that large pool of players because they keep making bad changes that ultimately make the game simply not fun to play! Wow, it’s like when you spend all your time filling your store with literal feces, people don’t want to buy products there or something.

I remember being so jazzed to get my sister and Wife to play Overwatch with me, and Doomfist had just been released, and they both played for about 3-4 months before finally quitting because no matter what I did, played with them, coached them from behind, there was no advice I could give them for how to avoid just getting slammed into a wall and insta-dying from Doomfist - especially at their skill level of being relatively low level players. There was no reason that they should have been getting so easily devoured, a low level doomfist should be easy to take down right?

Welll they weren’t fighting low level Dooms, they were fighting smurfs who had decided to buy an alt and have fun for a while, so they were getting eaten alive by people who knew the game in and out when they were still learning. It was such an unfair, unfun experience that they decided to pass on my next two game suggestions, just because Overwatch had been THAT much of a bummer. They went back to playing animal crossing and the sims, because Blizzard couldn’t be arsed to have a basic, rudimentary, fair matchmaker.

Yeah I’m still hella bitter about that.


True, that’s another loop in the proverbial knot that is Overwatch game design: the Damage role is just too heavily favored among the community. There has to be some way to make Tanks and Supports more appealing to the general populace, while also keeping those who do actively play them satisfied…?

Somehow finding a way to answer the question, “What makes the Damage role fun compared to the other roles?” and implementing that idea across them as a way to lessen the gap between queue times.

This one upcoming game of a similar genre seems to attempt to make their roles more of a custom choice, while also not being too ingrained that it is required to have X,Y,Z in order to secure a potential win. But I don’t know how that would look in a game like Overwatch?

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Technically this is what Overwatch 2 is aiming to solve.


The addition of comp mode ruined everything. If it wasn’t for it, ppl wouldn’t had the need to show off on new accounts.

Removing 1 of the tanks is exactly the opposite of that.


Of course, but many have doubts about Overwatch 2’s future… especially given the franchise’s/company’s current track record…

Yes, I wouldn’t mind Tanks being more inline with Initiators, but they’ll need the proper tools in order to close the gap to effectively use them (Reinhardt’s changes don’t really resonate too well with that in mind).

For Supports, them being more self-reliant duelists would be a nice change of pace, but their damage would have to be keenly monitored to be in that region of good for 1v1s, but not so much that they might as well be Damage heroes themselves, and vice versa (them dealing too little damage for it to matter).

I just don’t have much faith that OW2 is going to stick the landing in terms of performance: maybe for the first few months, but after that is when the problems become more apparent…


Those are reasonable concerns, I myself have some concerns about the upcoming game, which is why we need to continue to follow the news and see where these changes lead the game. Remember we will get more Overwatch 2 news next Saturday.

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Yes, I’m still keeping an open mind for what is to come–as everyone should. Let’s see if this week’s OW2 news leaves a good impression… After all, it’s been (4?) months since our last major news, so this is technically what many are going to use as a template for what is to come in OW2 until the next announcement.

P.S. I’ve got to go, something’s requiring my attention. Farewell, and have a good rest of your day/night.

I’ve fought T500s and pros in arcade while I was still high silver waaay back. People need to stop blaming smurfs for MM tolerance issues.

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Bro, that is your opinion.

People like me who don’t have time grinding in comp and only play QP, take the result seriously. I don’t want to get ROLLED and see the big YOU LOSE title on the screen.

Seriously, the matchmaker rules for QP should be changed, I don’t want to have a bunch of plats on our team agaist 4 GMs queuing together. This is rididulous.


You got to be bronze, you realize that only 3% of the player base is in masters and above, then 13% is diamond and above, so the chances of you getting those people in your qp games often is very very very low.

You take so much crap on these forums, how are u still on these forums and alive?


Yeah man, there totally isn’t a new set of level 25-30 T500 smurfs sitting in masters and low diamond right now.

People who think you can’t smurf are incredibly slow.


There is some sort of matchmaking that takes place, i have to use an alt to play with friends otherwise we play against diamond and masters players and they just get rolled and dont have fun.

The point is that it’s QP/Arcade… the matchmaker is intentionally really loose to get games going faster. Really makes no difference if the match is unwinnable because of a level 25 or a level 800.

In a mode where all skill levels are put into matches together deliberately, there is no such thing as a smurf.
What you are describing is a good player on a new account, and this game requires new accounts to play until level 25 before they can touch comp.
Stop getting so tilted over a casual game mode. Matter of fact, stop getting tilted over video games period.

Calling other people slow while you talk about ranked when the topic is about QP and Arcade. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy::joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy::joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy::joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy::joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


If you want people to take you seriously, at least know what smurfing is.

You cannot smurf in a mode that has no restrictions. A smurf is someone who is intentionally playing in lower ranks, in QP it’s just ‘whelp, 11 others are of the needed roles good luck’.

Now if it was in ranked and they were not trying to not gain rank, or throwing to get a lower rank, or something along these lines i would agree…

Like if an open profile GM is in your QP game are they a smurf?

This is as bad as all the people who don’t actually know hat a flank is, but think they do, or why it works…

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so a player cant level up their account because their playing well?