You can't change a character's name after 7 years

Well thats your opinion.
Your opinion is not a fact and the dev team thinks differently.

I believe that they know it better than me because i dont work there.

They will make lore that Will explain mccrees name change.

The hero wont change only because he has a different name and after reading the announcement i believe that it is understandably why the ow team was for the name change.

It may be suspicious that they announced it right now but i think its obvious that it was an important and difficult decision for the ow team to make.

Putting in the Effort Shows just how important it is for them.

That’s the thing, usually I would agree with you, but in this case it’s literally is not an opinion, that is what makes me angry. What they are doing is simply wrong, I know that you don’t understand it right now, but someday you might.

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It is an opinion.

There is no straight fact that tells me that renaming him is the right/false decision.

Its something every individual has to decided for themselves.

The dev team thinks its right to change it.
I respect that (and agree).

It’s not an opinion. Changing the name of the character solves nothing, and puts even more spotlight on the issue, that is a fact. What they are supposedly trying to accomplish will not be accomplished, it will be the complete opposite, you want evidence, how about the uproar of their decision. Like I said they are going to be reminded of this for years to come, people won’t accept it and they will be keep calling him Jesse McCree, and just like you yourself pointed out, they can’t stop it, so in the end they accomplish nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if people get harassed for this, which is of course terrible, but they will be responsible for it by taking this terrible and ignorant decision, instead of standing for what is right.

EDIT: This reminds me of the Brigitte situation. Instead of standing up for her and the voice actress they remained silent and just did what they were demanded to which in restrospect should’ve have been a clear sign of how much of a cowards they actually are, they just care about the money, not the ideals they are supposed to uphold.

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It is your opinion that it solves nothing.

A minority of people complaining about something, ya.

People who like what they made wont say anthing and the rest doesnt care.
On top of that, most ow players do not visit forums/reddit/twitter.

A dev already comfirmed that you are allowed to keep calling him mccree if you want to.

Imo, most people will call him by his new name.
Especially new players.

He count it with beta but it feel like more 6 or 6,5 years I guess.

It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

A majority.

And this will create confusion with those people which will bring even more attention to the matter and thus, making even more damage to anyone involved. If anything they are making this matter bigger than they should.

Because they can’t stop it and they know it, it would be naive of them to try and control what people say. So this means nothing.

Whether or not this is true is still irrelevant. They will be constantly reminded of this one way or another and that is the problem. They will not accomplish what they supposedly want to accomplish, because it is a literal lie, it is a PR stunt to save face, nothing more.

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Its an opinion no matter what you say ^^.

But i think we are just running in circles here.

I have my opinion you have yours. 🤷

It is a fact no matter what you say. You are being deceived.

You are free to stop replying anytime you want.

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Do you know of any good communist game makers? They all seem to be capitalist pigs.

Let’s be honest it really doesn’t matter what they call him . The game will be dead in the next year or so if they don’t get off their butts and give us some new content . I doubt anyone will wait 2-3 years for overwatch 2 for new stuff except those sad die hard fans

Mediums where only a few people know about, and it is a niche ‘‘market’’. Eventually, it will be a place where all the ''what he did wasn’t wrong" Will hide. Seen it time and time again.

I really hate this mindset of “everyone with a different opinion is just overreacting and needs to calm down”. Its such a horrible way to portray yourself.


If most of the people are doing it, it’ll be the ‘normal’ way, not the ‘crazy’ way. and i’m willing to bet most players will still call him Mcree.

Rickroll been on the internet since 2007 and people are still using it currently. Once it’s on the internet, the internet will always remember. Trust me.

this is not nice to assume that, even though maybe you didn’t meant it. In the process of virtue signaling, you yourself are attacking another victim.

Bad move.



You can actually. As they should. They need to not glorify people that do these things. At the end of the day, McCree was named after a horrible person. And he’s just a Character. So a name change doesn’t affect you

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Funny how quick they are to Act in changing a 7 year old character…
yet we have SR issues, balance issues, Toxic behavior issues, gameplay, matchmaking issues. Yet to be fixed…

That logic is dumb. Everyone knows Blizzard chose the name at a time long before this scandal emerged. There is no “honoring” of the person involved. If Blizzard wasn’t so wrapped up in their meaningless PR gesture, they’d know that nobody would identify the name McCree with anything but the fictional character. By changing the name they’ll just be reminding players of the scandal in perpetuity. For all your whining about other people who don’t like the name change, you act like this phony gesture is somehow meaningful to your life. What do you really care? Would it somehow convince you that Blizzard truly truly truly truly cared about the issue?

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Huh? The other side is forcing this change onto everyone else, not vice - versa.

“You can’t change a character’s name after 7 years”

They made Dumbledore gay after 11 or so years after the series was done,
anything can happen in modern fiction!

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