You can't change a character's name after 7 years

and expect people to go along with it. Throwing out 7 years of awesome voice acting isn’t going to fix anything about your terrible workplace problems. Punishing the players and fans who love McCree will only make things worse for you.

And we’re still going to call him McCree.


Is the online left they ruin anything they touch, in the name of social justice. Anyone who disagrees with him will be wearing the Hat of Shame. Just like the Chinese when they had their struggle sessions shaming people who weren’t for the communist regime.


Nobody cares what you call him.

The overwatch team made the decision so that they can work there without being constantly reminded by what happened.

And how do you feel punished? Wtf.


You really believe players and posters won’t be harassed? Because I know better.


They change it people are going to be angry, same as if they keepit. But changing it is clearly something they feel they need to do as a good faith step going forward is a much needed chunk of changes that’s probably long overdue.

So pound away on that keyboard all you want if it makes you feel better, it doesn’t matter.


If people feel threatened by a fictional video game character, I’d recommend some serious counseling.


yall are the ones baby raging about a video game character name change

what blizzard are actioning is not honoring a sex offender in their game after explicitly saying they accidentally did that

Like the name change is gonna happen, I personally don’t really care either way but I’m having fun laughing at y’all mald over it on the forums lol


It’s the childish mindset of the day. Like all things, all things this too will pass one day for one reason or another.

Again, what things people start like this have a funny way in time on coming back on them at some point. Now that will be interesting to watch.

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You’ll call him that until it becomes inconvenient to call him that. Then you’ll either look like a crazy person for insisting on calling him something different, or you’ll switch over like every normal person that wants to communicate.

The idea that you’ll hold out over the rush of OW2 players isn’t very realistic.


You say, “Nobody cares what you call him”.
If no one cared about what we called him, then why even make a change?

Changing his name does not change the fact that there was harassment in the workplace or make the situation less memorable. If anything, it will make the situation more memorable because now players will have to hear this new name they pick out for him and it will stick out like a sore thumb that will be a constant reminder of what happened. They need to just focus on preventing the harassment from occurring again by doing things such as creating a more open and trustworthy work environment where ALL employees feel safe and respected.


you’ve probably not been a victim of sexual abuse have you. What the victim wants, I’m confident, is not for it to stick out like a sore thumb. I’m sure she would rather forget. But hearing their abuser’s name honored- explicitly stated to be an honor gesture from blizzard- is disgusting, it makes sense as a token gesture to the victim to change that name :man_shrugging: You’re right, it has nothing to do with the cowboy, it has everything to do with the game honoring a sex offender


I sometimes still call Shazam “Captain Marvel” so I think I’m going to be fine still calling Jesse McCree “McCree” for years to come. That is, if I’m still playing. Blizzard’s been failing so hard the past 2 years idk.


You can expect some people to go along with it.


Some people will.

Yes I have been a victim of sexual abuse many times in my life, which is none of your business to assume otherwise. It is like saying if I was abused by someone with the name “Thomas” that we should just rename everyone with the name Thomas because now I am going to be triggered every time I hear that name. Being a victim of these types of things takes a lot of emotional recovery and therapy, which includes overcoming triggers and not letting them affect you anymore. I can say that when I hear the name of my abusers now, it does not hurt me like it used to because I have healed and I am stronger. I will not force my abusers to change their name because honestly it has no impact on how I live my life or how I heal.


Wow, Ayembic. Talk about a fail.


This doesn’t bother me, try to be more like me

I can say the same to people literally writing essays about how a name change has changed their life

Nope. What you don’t realize is that now, calling McCree by his correct name has now taken on a life of it’s own. You can only rewrite history so far, that’s the beauty of the Internet, in the end censorship will be a failure no matter how hard you try.


What are you talking about?

They can change it, and they are. It doesn’t matter if the woke far right twitter/social media reactionaries make hate mobs against them, it’s still getting changed.

This change does nothing but good. Imagine being forced to work on a character who is named after someone who personally abused you or your coworkers. Even if you still call him McCree, the people who were effected by the person won’t have to refer to mr cowboy as that.

Also, “punishing the fans who love McCree”? Nobody is punishing the people who love the character. If you loved the character you love the character, what he’s called won’t change it.

So take a deep breath. It’ll be alright, it isn’t something worth getting worked up about. If you want something to get worked up about, we have people making public safety a political issue and blocking mask mandates. There are so many more important things in the world that actually have negative effects to get worked up about.