"You can use Sym TP to get your team out of Graviton"


This was not the Sym we expected.

It is definitely not very reliable. And some times when you place the TP while in grav it is out of reach from Sym to activate. I noticed the distance from Sym to TP while in a Grav can be different based on the location you put it and the direction you are facing. And aiming where to put TP is also a tricky thing.
Best use of it that I can think of is you predict the Grav and stay back. And your team needs to have some defensive abilities to stay alive 2 secs. Like a Rein shield or Zarya bubble. And when they use it you deploy the TP from a safe location.

It is hard to pull off without a good coordination. And chances are your team dies in first 2 secs are very high.

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And then the enemy Zarya gravs your team away from the teleport. Smart answer dude.

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Uhhhhh, so what’s the problem here? an E ability won’t consistently save an entire team from a combo ult? End of the world?!!

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Defense Matrix consistently save an entire team from a Pharah Barrage and can delete certain ults like Pulse Bomb and Blizzard. Biotic Grenade consistently null a Transcendence. Hack, Rocket Punch, Shield Bash and Flashbang cancel all channeling ults (Whole Hog, Deadeye, Coalescence, etc).

An ability nullifying a single ult is not uncommon, and Graviton is one of the combos that have the least amount of defenses against it. Having a new ability able to counter it would be very good, but as the whole thread shows up, it basically can be done only when you are a psychic and place it before the graviton hit, or when the enemy team mess up and don’t combo fast enough.

Yeah they can, so can Sym’s TP. What’s the problem? You think players get worse at anticipating ults they can counter or alleviate over time?

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I don’t know, that seems perfectly acceptable to me. I have been playing her a ton and yes, I agree, if you use it in the midst of a fight to save someone then it will die quickly as it should. Sym being the rescuer is a niche role and a special tactic she can choose to make. Nothing is cooler than dropping a teleporter on a frozen ally before Mei murders them!

90% of the time though, that is not how I use my teleporter. Using it to give my team or myself access to high ground rarely results in a broken tele. Holding a point by bouncing between two and firing at my enemies rarely results in it being instantly melted. I would love a faster deployment time but I don’t think the cooldown is bad at all! You either have it up in a safe place and only suffer two seconds of downtime or you use it aggressively and suffer a greater risk/reward. :slight_smile:

Uptime=/=cooldown. You can’t place a new one every 3 seconds, now can you?

Me personally, I deliberately leave the teleporter up to various ledges as often as I can, so I end up not having it ready for a graviton. If I paid more attention it might be a different story though.

The problem is that Sym TP don’t do that as consistently as the abilities I listed. You can anticipate the graviton coming, and still fail most of the time to get your team out of it because the TP can be broken, or take too long to activate, or graviton “juggle” throw your team just outside the range of the TP for them to use it, or your teammates forget they have to use a manual input to use the TP.

It’s too many “ifs” for it to be considered a good way to deal with the threat you want it to deal with. It’s pretty much like saying Ana shouldn’t have problems with Tracer because she can sleep her. Well, technically yes, but in practice? Good luck landing that dart.

To be honest, I think he just said that as an example of what you could do, not what you will always be able to do.

He’s done this before. (Defence matrix the rip-tyre anyone?)

The difference is that Defense Matrix on a RIP Tire works. It’s inefficient use of D.va as a whole, but that is a different issue. TP for graviton don’t work except on a blue moon.

What if it had a moderate-long cooldown, 6-12 seconds, but it only began once the teleporter had either been destroyed or vanished?

That way, you can’t spam chain link teleporters, but you aren’t so heavily punished for having it destroyed.

On top of that I would lower the health (to 200-250) and the cast time (it takes 3 seconds total, 1 for bringing up the placement UI and 2 for actually placing it. I’d lower it to maybe 2 seconds max).

Literally everything would be fixed if it just deployed instantly. Or 1 second at most. Can we have this?


Didn’t they nerf the TP deploy/transportation time because it made Symmetra get inside places she shouldn’t? Like inside of map walls.

Still, I can’t even get teammates to use it for flanking/safe repositioning, let alone escape Grav. A lot of people just refuse to use it.

IMO the teleporter should be somewhat more visible/audible to teammates or have a slightly better range to enable the teleportation. From what I can tell some people just don’t see the interact option on their screen during a team fight and you gotta be super close to actually use it so it’s sorta useless for that purpose (escaping).

Edit: I’m all up for a faster deploy/transportation time but if it’s not possible because of how it can be abused I’ll take the other buffs. I’d also like to see them somehow fix how the TP behaves when you place it, sometimes you’re in a pinch and you think it deployed at the spot you wanted only to find it inches in front of you.

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Maybe internally, but not on PTR. Since first PTR version it required 2 seconds of setup before it was available for use.

Then people would have to wait 6-12 seconds after their teleporter vanishes instead of just two… I would rather get it back sooner and just bite the bullet for the rare times I place my tele poorly instead of greatly increasing my wait for the times I place it well.

In its current state, I don’t think TP can be considered a reasonable means of escape from grav. You’d be lucky to get yourself out alive and there’s no way your team is going to all hit the button fast enough to get out.

The tricky part of balancing the ability, though, is that, if the activation time were reduced enough to allow reliable grav escapes, it’d also make it a reliable way to escape from anything. Get dove on? Just teleport away. That’d probably make it too strong.

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That’s why I prefer this idea:

23 of 28 heroes would be able to mobility escape at that point.
And Torb, Bastion, Roadhog, and Mei can tank through it.
Leaving pretty much only Ana that wouldn’t be able to get out.

I’m not exactly sure which version/server he’s talking about but it’s explained in this video.

That has nothing to do with activation time. Muda is saying that this specific position he showcase not destroy the TP before you can pass through it, and it didn’t before. That’s an “out of bounds” fix, like they did countless times before for Reaper, Sombra and Doomfist.