Evidence: https://ibb.co/x5tmFBx
Apparently calling out throwers and trolls who are ruining your gaming experience is offfensive behaviour that leads to account suspension.
30 day account ban because of saying in chat: “troll tank troll dps.”, “maybe learn how to counter?”, “you go alone and die”, “blocked”, "“forced loss with throwers cant do a thing”
I could provide exact replay codes to prove people throwing/trolling since i requested GDPR data and know exact time which words were said, but account is now banned.
This is really not fair. You side up with cheaters, trolls and throwers while people who call them out like me are being penalized.
And this post is not against forum rules to be taken down or locked. Because i am not questioning suspension just explaining for educational purposes.
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It’s about time that you ate a suspension, Mystic. It was only a matter of time with your behavior.
Depends how mad they are at you because it says you are “not allowed” to talk about suspensions. they let some slide unless they have a bias then they will lock and pull it.
if you had to put a number on what percentage of players have not been banned for chatting where would you put it?
97? 98? 99?
maybe instead of saying the system is broken…why not come to the realization instead that YOU are responsible for your own behavior…a behavior that is resulting in other players telling you that it is not appreciated
because what was said there is actually not against ToS, but got banned because mass report from the throwers. we all know the report system is busted and that they refuse to actually have a person look at the bans. As an example i was hit with a 7 day and the only line they gave me for why i was hit was “Get the damned mercy”
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Yes. This is how things work around here.
Easily 99%, but that is 1% or 10’s of thousands of players who have and I would wager at least half of those didn’t violate any rules.
What you called people trolls and they didn’t like it. Crazy.
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You actually did violate the CoC.
Discussing Disciplinary Actions
This category includes:
- Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
- Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums
We all know you won’t provide replay codes for anything. You post daily cheaters are in every game threads and refuse to ever link any of those codes.
Told one of them to die….which may or may not have been the intention…but anyone could’ve thought otherwise
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It’s amazing how many here lack basic RTFM skills. Actually reading the TOS and EULA that all players sign goes a long way
Hard to take the word of someone who’s been caught cheating seriously.
And now you’re whining about being chat banned.
Nobody cares about what you say. You’re a laughing stock.
Bit of a double standard when it comes to discussing suspensions and bans.
If this was a thread about how he was suspended for yelling at someone they claimed said something racist, most of the responses would be “yas, slay queen, fight the power”.
Don’t know why this was flagged down; no one should be banned for saying stuff like this.
Even a mute is a bit questionable. Is this really the type of moderation we want in our game?..
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My Uncle Roy once said the L-word and they took all his loot in World of Warcraft.