You called it with Pink Mercy

I’m honestly sick of OWL, Contenders or something else being thrown in my face whether I want to see it or not. Like recently on the EU region there was this autoplay stream (Contenders I think it was) on the Battle launcher, which I had to pause every single time I opened the launcher window. Now we’ve got this glaring white background with two somewhat ugly and overpriced skins that are stuck behind an OWL paywall, which aren’t even really themed for OWL. What about the Summer Games event, without that as the main menu background it sure feels like there’s no event now.

Suffice to say it really feels like the base game is being neglected, especially after the Mercy fiasco which is still ongoing.


Because it wasn’t designed for the event, it is just two skins they grabbed from the pile. Atlantic and Pacific are Fire and Water? pls. They picked 2 cool ones and monetized the **** out of them. Possibly part of a cancelled event.

Frankly fire and water sounds like they should be in a summer event. A very disappointing summer event that left people wondering what happened to the cool skins.

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‘‘It sounds like your childish and want all skins for free’’

Immediately went for personal attack ay bud? You didn’t even try to to debate my points. You instead make an complete assumption about my argument.

News flash kiddo since we are going to be personal here, Blizzard is not an starving company. Quit being an corporate shill and buying into this crap.

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Apparently even after 6-7 answers where I explain my point and how the “There’s people who can’t afford these” doesn’t count cause I can’t buy them myself, where i say that there’s nothing wrong with microtransactions etc while all you have been saying is that “it’s wrong” fot some obscure reason Im still not debating. Tbh calling someone childish doesnt seem that big of a deal, butvsorry if I offended you. Honestly tho your pointless raging looks childish

Don’t take me wrong. I saind I’m angry, and that it doesn’t feel right, but I’m not super mad at it. No strong feelings beyond shacking my head. I’m not going to left the game, I like the last big patch of OW. I just said, I would have no problems with this content if they’ve worked better in the event, specially the skins, that are the most lame we had in any content. Just look at Rein, they just put over some sport thing over he’s armor and called it a day. And I’m not happy about it. But I’m not going to burn down Blizz for it.