You buffed Echo?

Did I read this correctly?..

Like…why? Did she need it? Was she not powerful enough as-is?


If I had to put logic to this, I can only see this being beneficial while she’s in the air and dodging around. Because

A.) The point of her flight and speed is supposed to give her an advantage over targets. A hitbox the size of a barn would invalidate this to a degree (look at Dva and Ball for example)

B.) She’s still relatively easy to shoot when she’s NOT using the skill that’s supposed to give her an advantage over her targets.

I’m not saying I agree or disagree with the change, but I do see the point of it. Maybe.


If you’ve seen and tested her head hitbox, you would support this as well. I was watching an video of 76 shooting at her Wing and dealing headshot damage.


I’ve been playing her a lot. If it’s in line with Pharah’s - I can support it.

If it’s any less than that, then I don’t.


I agree with this. If it’s less than Phara, I don’t agree with the change. If it’s the same, cool, I guess.


Making sure hitboxes are correct is always the right thing to do, regardless of the hero in question or their balance status.


If only they did the same thing to some older heroes… like dva and zenyatta, who’s head hitboxes are the size of a barn. Zen’s head hitbox larger than his orb orbit.


It doesn’t say whether it’s a correction. They flat-out said it’s a reduction…

Have you seen how gigantic her head hitbox was? While she might need some tuning, this is honestly fine and I’d even dare to say needed.

I’d add Torb to that list but I agree.

All good if she gets less useful buffs. Means more room for nerfs.

Boy can’t wait for those “Mercy can’t get buffed because Echo on consoles”.

Her head was thicc though…

Meanwhile Zen still has a bigger hitbox than Roadhog lol

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Oof, I am so glad I left console lol. I feel like that’s going to be inevitable.

I dunno. I’m hoping it’s close to Pharah’s, otherwise Echo just completely treads into Pharah’s territory way more than she already does… :confused:

Its kinda harder to fix Zennys hitbox, considering his overall bodyshape.

If her head hitbox was too big from one angle then they should fix that. I do not think they should avoid making obvious QoL changes to a hero because of the balance of said hero. They should treat them separately and deal with them both.

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Have you seen how absurd it was?

That was a must fix

Even with his body shape his hitbox is far too big.


Good now time to fix Zen headshot hitbox.


Meanwhile Torb’s entire front is still a crit hitbox


To be fair, I’ve found it extremely easy to ping Echo, even while completely smashed irl.