You are NOT throwing if you deal damage as Moira

Yeah, i guess we know what they were doing instead of healing the team

Not really. You get the healing effect on your screen not hard to notice.

Well, people don’t seem to notice most of the time. Yet they always praise when I’m Mercy, even when I’m healing considerably less.

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But she doesn’t gain anything from the ult concept. Her draining the life from someone is also used so she can heal her teammates

It’s a good point. She could, but then everyone would call OP on her. She’d have to give up something to erode the enemy’s ult charge. Maybe healing from Ult is lowered. Or maybe it takes a little bit longer to get her ult fully charged…

If it’s hard to balance Moira’s gameplay and character with that concept, I think it would work better with a different hero

Maybe. Balance across the heroes is important. But it fits her kit so to speak, the draining. And would only involve modifying the ult and not present a new element to another hero (or remove their current ult (which could start an outcry) where it may seem completely new (like imagine Roadhog doing it?, Hanzo?).

Btw, been nice discussing this with you. I appreciate it. Whether it is viable or not, it helps to bring up pros and cons.

22k damage with 10k healing is good. The real issue most people have with DPS Moira is that they are not doing it correctly and that comes to the detriment of the team. But anything above 20k is good, especially with such a relatively low amount of elims and decent-is healing… she was an off support. Lul.

She was carrying. Fo sho tho. Your DPS were throwing.

it’s simple, anytime you chose damage over healing when you could heal something (as in you’re in range, someone takes/took damage, you’re not completely out of juice)

you’re doing it wrong

getting a quick final blow on a mobile hero who just took dmg from your dps/tanks is fine

i’ve seen too many moiras dueling dvas to still have faith in them

22k damage with 10k healing, unless it all came from balls and ults, means that most of that healing is self healing.

Of course not. But if you have gold damage while you are healing focused… your dps/tanks need to pick it up cause your team will lose.

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No its not. A healer should shoot for 25-30% as a solo healer and 20-25% as a a duo. A good healer, consistently puts out about 30-35% healing. Also the high damage to kills ratio is an awful indicator for just how useless you were. You were literally doing tons of damage but doing it so bad that you were just charging enemy support ults cuz they healed as fast as you damaged.
You are the type of moira player this post was meant for. You dont realize youre screwing over your team you think your an allstar making huge plays but youre throwing the game. She was not carrying at all with those stats. She was tunnel visioned DPSing and not healin her team. With 22k damage she literally would have gotten the 10k healing from her self heal.

If you have gold damage its because youre not keeping your team alive to kill things genius

Uh… NO.

If you wait until “you’re out of juice”, you will end up missing some very critical moments where healing is required because you will actually run out of fuel.

Generally, you maintain the tanks by with throwing 1 purple orb every 2-3 gold orbs or whenever you see a few low health enemies about.

If you can’t throw out a purple orb (because cd isn’t up) when a lot of enemies are low health, that’s a great time to drain so that your team can lock the heal.

You want to lightly snack as Moira, not gorge.

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If I can’t keep my teammates alive as Moira focused on healing, it’s because my team isn’t doing enough damage. Everytime I’ve had gold damage towards the end of a game, it’s been a very low amount (3-4k) that any DPS should easily be able to surpass.

You should never be out of juice as Moira, unless maybe you all got ulted and youre trying to save the team. A good moira doesnt waste her healing on chip damage on one person she sticks with the team and heals the unit up as a whole not individuals. 10% DPS 90% heal.

Ults happen. And yeah, I’m almost never out of juice on Moira because I throw those purple orbs into rooms with a friendly Genji who isn’t low health and who is chasing a low health enemy.

If youre DPS is crap then go DPS dont try to DPS moira its dumb. Your crap at it. Switch to something else if you think you can DPS better than them. Dont tease your team into thinking they have a healer and can expect a certain amount of heals if your only going to DPS.

You are if I’m out healing you as zen with a team that sticks together and is mostly tanks, and boy do I get a lot of “those” Moiras

What does throwing orbs have to do with your piss juice? You know orbs dont replenish your juice only DPSing does