You are NOT throwing if you deal damage as Moira

you dont play moira that much then XD

Moira is not throwing by dealing damage
Moira is throwing by ONLY dealing damage

Like it’s good. I don’t see how it reflects Moira as a character and how it fits into her kit

This depends on the situation. There have been many times where my damage orb has secured a kill on a fleeing flanker or a Widowmaker in a window. In general, healing orb is better than damage orb because it will net you more overall ultimate charge and because heal orb + primary fire is an enormous amount of hps. However, Moira is amazing at securing kills and cleanup duty with damage orb, at which point it is more prudent to use it to gain a stagger :slight_smile:

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No shes throwing if shes playing as a DPS, prioritizing her DPS over the teams health.

You do realize Moira heals herself by dealing damage right? So a Moira that focuses DPS will also likely have high healing just from healing herself. If you had 2 healers and they still couldnt keep the team up thats a healing problem. And you yourself said the Mercy was great so the problem had to be your moira.

Newsflash Moira heals herself by DPSing. You can not use your piss or orb all game and end up with gold heals, easily.

if you prioritize dps with moira you are 100% throwing. her ability to heal and heal LARGE NUMBERS on multiple targets is the strongest in the game. if you throw a purple orb during a big push when you know ur team needed a gold… it’s just poor management and poor team play. sure she has the capability to dps, but she’s the single strongest healer in the game. you should play her role and trust your dps to do their job. dps can dps, but they cannot heal. misplaying her is throwing and that’s FACT.

It’s no different than a dedicated pharmercy who doesn’t support anyone else on their team. it’s not that they can’t add to or dps, its just their heals aren’t replaceable by any other character. so reducing them to simple dps is a huge waste for the entire team.

No just no. If you cannot resource manage well thats your fault. Outside of spam healing to maybe survive an ult she should be able to never run out of piss juice. If you are you are out of position and wasting it. And dont ever expect anyone in a multiplayer game to “trust you”. How about make them believe you by actually doing the right thing.

I suppose the obvious link is her draining the life from someone. Draining ult is just an extension of that.

Is it you, Hog? Or were you the Zarya? I was the Ashe that carried you. Lul.

In all seriousness, no, standing out in the open and feeding was the problem. Kind of. Not going to lie, the enemies were so thirsty for ultimate charge on our inept tanks that I was able to pop a lot of free headshots that would have been less manageable had they not wanted to pad their stats. My sister WAS leaving them out to dry and they started complaining claiming we were throwing despite the fact that I had all the damage and my DPS Moira sister only had bronze at 5k or something similar to that. She was consistently bronze and I assume the other DPS had silver because those tanks were bad.

So, I have no idea how many self heal 5-6k gives, but she was not getting damaged too much because, um, our tanks? And when she was, Mercy was bailing her out. Why would anyone shoot at a tiny hitbox when you have a Hog/Zarya practically standing still? I was not even being focused except for when I went out of position trying to back up our over-extending tanks.

It does not matter too much, we both got cards which usually means you were well ahead of silver. The real point is that stats do not matter too much as Mercy was saving everyone while my sister was just wasting resources and she got the card. If you ask me, more damage would have been valuable given that she had bronze over two DPS hybrid tanks… unless our other DPS was slacking. Which is totally possible. I do not even remember who they were playing or anything relevant they did. But at least they were not constantly feeding as the only time I died that match was to stupid Genji blades.

Good uses for the purple orb:

  • Dislodging a sniper
  • Securing a kill on an overextended enemy who’s retreating behind a barrier/out of LOS
  • Fending off a flanker in the backline
  • Helping focus fire a key pick when initiating a push
  • Gaining ult charge while your own team is sufficiently healed up (e.g. holding a point in KOTH/2CP Defense and waiting for the enemy respawns)

Yellow orbs are more useful more often, and are crucial for covering your team’s healing when you do need to recharge, and good Moiras will be using yellow orbs a lot. But while bad Moiras only use the purple orb, mediocre Moiras only use the yellow orb. Good Moiras know when to use them both, and will use them both.

It’s like Mercy’s yellow beam/blue beam/pistol balance—the yellow beam is almost always the highest priority, but there are times where it is FAR smarter to boost an ally (or just take care of a threat yourself), and skillful players know the difference.

Yes, a Moira who is literally diving into the enemy solo is super duper bad at the game, and even good Moiras are going to occasionally goof which orb they use (either making a bad call, or just mistiming the commands and accidentally throwing the opposite of what they wanted). But purple orbs are not themselves indicators of BattleMoiras and it would be nice if people stopped talking like they were.


Moira, heal the team when you can. Damage the enemy when you cannot. And have the wisdom to know the difference.:upside_down_face:

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To get 5000 healing done by only using your RMB, you’d have to have roughly 8000 damage done.

I looked at your stats they are good. You prioritize healing and heal with your ult. You don’t do too much dmg. The only thing I might think, that could be wrong is your decisions (when to heal and dps), but that’s a maybe. If not, just ignore those idiots.

I will say this much, you most definatelly are throwing if youre complaining about having kill and/or dmg medals but you cant scrap 2k healing in a full round.

I play her and I know she can suffer if she doesnt charge her heals, but I also know she has the highest possible healing output in the game, while needing to do very little dmg, not counting having crazy teammates and off supports ofc (im sorry but hammonds that charge in 1v6 in enemy spawn then role back right before a fight and expect me to use my entire heal resource to heal them back up hurt me).

My stats unfortunately are very outdated. But yeah, I usually go for heals first.

Max healing shows only 18k when I’ve gotten 36k… I don’t know why, I have screenshots from may last year with higher stats than my public top, yet it still hasn’t updated.

I usually heal if someone is hurt, if someone is hurt and I don’t heal them it’s usually because:

A: I’m out of heals and I’ve recently used my healing orb
B: You’re too far away for me to reach and I dont have my fade off-CD

It’s really hard to notice when a Moira is healing you unless you look back, but it’s easy to see the long purple noodle doing the succ on the enemy frontline.


had a moira yesterday with 46 elims, 10k heals, 22k dmg. Sorry, but that’s throwing.

What are you talking about? Part of resource managing is to dps whether you’re empty or not.

Also you literally just contradicted yourself. If you want someone to believe you’re doing your job as you say, you’re asking them to put their trust in you. This is a team game. You need to trust your teammates to some degree.

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