You are in charge now!

  1. Create incentives to PTR and find ways to encourage more people to use it and help collect more reliable data to balance from.
  2. Add a few more game modes. Quickplay getting a competitive sort of practice mode. Competitive getting a ban system (this meets the needs of a casual competitive scene and a more challenging competitive scene). Arcade getting a rotating season theme of Remember S#?
  3. Implement an SR system for DPS, Tank, and Support.
  4. Look into a way to implement better report/banning features. Let the automated function collect data of a common trend of reports to have someone review a case and determine the ban.
  5. Look into a way to say, “So who has a cell phone?” and bam, introduce Overwatch Puzzle Brawlers… Need to have my agenda… plus f2p sales is where a surplus market could very well be on mobile. This is a business after all.

The idea from a business standpoint. Maximize dev team’s effectiveness with better sources of data. Create more ways to draw in interest to the game, and a possible way to see how maybe some things have changed for the better. Look to make Comp appear less intimidating and a ground for improvement. Improve the quality of a reporting system to build trust. Expand the market for $, because $ makes more things possible.

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  1. buff junkrat
  2. fix matchmaking
  3. buff sym
  4. buff pharah
  5. make content faster

woah woah woah lets not make junkrat worse then he is

-nade size nerf reverted
-ultimate charge required risen from 1575 to 2000
-mine does 85 damage when blown up in air and 120 on ground

  1. Redesign Brigitte, Symmetra and Mei to reassign them to the offtank / utility role.

  2. End smurfing by tying all penalties issued via reports to IP address and not just account name.

  3. Remake and retool the Assault 2CP maps. Add a third point to each, spreading out the maps and bringing the final offensive spawn closer to the defenders.

  4. Replace normal competitive with Competitive 6v6 which requires premade groups. Beef up the Quickplay matchmaking system to be more suited to being the default gamemode. Add CTF to the rotation.

  5. Push out a campaign / story mode, either episodically or as a DLC. Increase hero rollout but cluster them together so we get biannual drops of 4 heroes each.


Rework main tanks and main healers to be more more hybrid with DPS.

Tank/Healer/DPS matters too much and is holding game back

Put on a layer of Duct tape then proceed to apply 4 more layers.

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  1. Add permanent PvE modes.
  2. Add major new gameplay modes to the normal rotation (along with KOTH, payload, 2CP, etc.)
  3. Adjust the balance. Nerf the hell out of Rein and Zarya so other tanks can thrive for once. Improve the survivability of DPS (and possibly supports) across the board to help reverse powercreep, reduce one-shots and bring the DPS closer to the tanks in power.
  4. Delete Brigitte entirely, pending a rework.
  5. Implement a form of legitimized alt account with some limitations, while requiring mobile numbers and authentication for competitive (one number one account). This is to enable alts to exist for legitimate reasons and reduce smurfing.
  1. Remove Resurrection and replace it appropriately.
  2. Rework Pharah into something similar to TF2’s Solider
  3. Expand the Arcade, with Permanent PVE mode and others.
  4. Add more Tanks & Support Heroes.
  5. Add a Single-player Lore based mode.

Easy and viable.
Take my like!

Hrmm I’d have to think hard about this one.

But here’s my lazy version

  • Role Queue, with 2Flex-2Heal-2Tank. However 6Flex would also be an option.
  • Move Mei to Tank Role, and Iceblock takes priority over attacks when there’s lag
  • Reaper, Shadowstep in quick+invulnerable on startup, Lifesteal to 30% but calculated on raw damage before armor/damageresistance.
  • Orisa/Roadhog/Hammond can bodyblock Dva/Rein/etc ults with their E abilties
  • Balance MysteryHeroes a bit, and Publish a low-effort arcade mode nearly every patch

This would be nice too:

  • Junkrat, 0.3m radius (old sized) on grenade when first fired, 0.2m radius (current size) after it first bounces
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*Video loads

Hello everyone, Profiteroles here, I have something to tell you thats gonna make you all panic like a bunch of chicken getting plucked live.

First thing is we are gonna nerf most of the hero roster. We are going to bring everyone down to the weaker of the casts level, this is going to allow us to abandon this “as close to OP as possible, without actually being OP” balance philosophy, since even minor changes the make way bigger waves.

We will then make our heroes balanced around TTK (DPS), Damage potential negated + removal of OT/MT differences (tanks), HPS (healers) while still allowing each hero to keep their unique ways of going about it.

This will allow as many heroes possible to be viable at one time and stop stifling team comps with over the top differences like OT and MT or MH and OH, since they will all have about the same capabilities.

We will then increase things to reasonable level across the board.

Second thing is going to tie in to the first, all CC will get it’s CD’s doubled and duration halved. CC is basically just telling someone you can’t meet them on equal terms and need a crutch to be of value.

We feel this goes against the nature of competition since if you broke a Basketball players leg intentionally you would go to jail, haha. Competition is all about meeting an enemy team of roughly equal skill and competing on equal terms, not taking away someone elses ability to be skillful for as long as possible.

Next thing is going to be a simplification of the competitive system, simply put we are going to remove as many of the systems that function to determine where you should be.

We don’t feel like our system really captures the non numerical aspects that make up the majority of the game (Space control, supreme annoyance even if damage is low is very effective but hard to detect, exc.).

This will make your contributions no more or less important but won’t punish you for the right thing and reward you for padding stats. I feel this will allow everything to naturally let everything fall into place and remove peoples excuses.

4th will be a series of QOL changes, Customizable UI, Ability to create ($5/month) Blizzard hosted always up servers that you can customize in any way you desire (YES ANY WAY YOU DESIRE), Ability to prefer up to 2 maps types in non comp modes so you can play on the maps you like more often, map creation competitions, hero creation competitions, 2 separate queues for competitive (1 reg queue and 1 formatted queue) to allow our players to choose how they want to play,

->Monthly lore updates<- (ties in below) and some other ideas I am afraid to mention.

5th area we will be looking at is our reward system, currently it is “you get a box and don’t care because it is dups at 1/5th the value” and that isn’t really rewarding you for your dedication to our game.

We are going to revamp the arcade into the place to gain rewards, the monthly modes will be anything from weird to normal but designed around the lore of the month. For example the first event will be “the reunion of Overwatch” and 1 of the modes will be “Overwatch vs Blackwatch/Talon” in a QP environment with only 1 side available to each team. Playing these modes will be how you will earn skins and other cosmetics.

Playing will be the only way to earn them so play our sometimes crappy modes or get nothing. Rewards will be gone with each event so everything won’t be had by everyone. Don’t have a skin you want? To bad, we are not just gonna hand it to you and lessen it’s potential WoW factor. (It’s a joke about how epics in WoW don’t feel special anymore.)

We don’t feel the need to try and game you into buying lootboxes since our new income will be made from the hosted servers and allows us to get back to what you love us for.

Edit: pending a rework. Nevermind

“Pending a rework”.

Brigitte would go back in later with different mechanics that don’t break the game.

Oh, you didn’t see that part. Nevermind.

wait what 20characters

  1. Acknowledge the game has problems
  2. Do literally nothing about it
  3. Add unwanted changes
  4. Add new problematic heroes
  5. Game changes in general are very slow, lore is even slower

oh wait…


  • revert nerfs and change some hero’s
  • rework bad hero’s
  • fix comp
  • hire mods

I only need two things:

  1. remove Junkertown
  2. rework Sym back to 2.0 but with buffs instead of this half baked rework
  1. Make vague promises
  2. Cave in to lobbyist
  3. Go back on the #1
  4. Start a foundation dedicated to my reelection
  5. Campaign

#1 Role Queue in Quick Play and Comp - With a Trash Mode for those who want QP but with 6 dps and shorter queues. Some of us are willing to wait longer for good matches.
#2. Role Specific SR ( Tank / DPS / Support )
#3. Make it so comp doesn’t punish you for stacking. If you want to solo queue, go for it, but you’ll have to face 6 stacks of your level, and if you can’t beat them, maybe you don’t deserve that rank.
#4. A plethora of balance changes. Ana nano to 150 / Dragonblade no speed / Dynamite -25 damage with no ult charge during bob / sombra sugar skulls on hacked targets / etc
#5. More PVE events, and better Arcade Rotations.
#6 Bug fixes… So many bugs

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Step 1 remove Genji from the game.
Step 2 remove Tracer from the game.
Step 3-5 rest.

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  1. Introduce Tug-of-War, a.k.a. Symmetrical Control Points: h ttps://
  2. Go through the entire hero roster and get rid of as much movement-disabling CC as possible
  3. Be more up-front about toxicity in the game, and involve positive Overwatch players in a campaign to reduce toxicity
  4. Rework Mercy
  5. Implement a much more comprehensive training system: How to tank, how to position, how to dive, etc.