Yo for those struggling with non-binary venture hate

Corporate pandering month


That’s absolutism.

I support the rights for people to do whatever they want with themselves. But that doesn’t mean I will support their actions.

My dad is a smoker. I support his right to smoke, but I don’t support his smoking. Understand?

We’re talking about the Overwatch forums and mass reporting.

You know, I bet Europeans are feeling pretty dumb right now, given all the drama and the new wars in the world, because they largely disarmed themselves and America’s power has started to wane.

I showed it few times…

What you belive is irrelevant.

And yet when presented with excercise to fill a blank with a pronoun for a single person that you didn’t know their gender you automatically went with they/them pronouns…

Which is contradictory to your earlier point.

My job gives me a lot of free time that I can use to lurk here…

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So you’re against state legislation that’s being passed or has been passed that restricts gender affirming care and restricts trans and gnc people from existing in public?

If so, that’s great!

Well, I’ll be more precise then.

You say this like pro lgbtq or any remotely progressive post isn’t also immediately flagged.


Typically oppressed groups tend to retaliate in the same way as theyve been discriminated against in the past, since they see that as an effective way to shut down harmful views


its just as much corporate pandering as the next rootin tootin white shooter of the month is for every other month :person_shrugging:


Perhaps you’ll understand my point if I gave an example

“I saw them going out, they were going to the park the other day.”

“That house is theirs.”

“They have been making some beautiful music, I’d love to listen to some of their tracks.”

“They went to the to the meeting to discuss their plans for the company.”

Can you guess which one is plural third person and which one is singular?

HINT: one of them is singular, can you tell which one?

Honestly it’s really sad to see the complete division.

End of the day, Venture is a video game character. As a NB person myself it’s great to see representation and I love Venture to bits already.

But it’s so exhausting to see the arguments over pronouns.

You’ll find 85% of the time people who mispronoun venture, aren’t deliberate. I will admit I’ve done it myself on more than one occasion accidently in game purely because in that moment the brain puts the voice and gender together. You apologise and correct yourself. Usually there’s 300 other things going on that require attention like ults, flanks and so on you’re going off quickest comms in simplest way.

I have preferred pronouns but also don’t care if people use the wrong one because end of the day as long as I am happy about who I am it really is nobody elses business.

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That gibberish you just typed means nothing

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The english language is a complex language where words hold multiple meanings

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Legal constructs
Social constructs
Religious constructs
Sexual preference
Physiological attributes
Epigenetic expression

That’s just SOME of the complexity that gets aggregated into the pure abstraction that we call “gender.”

I completely sympathize with people who find the new landscape of gender and pronouns confusing and possibly even intimidating. The baseline concepts that we’ve used to make sense of ourselves in the world are collapsing under their own weight. 2 big categorical abstractions just don’t serve us well anymore.

Honestly, I’m confused by people who are non-binary. I also find people who are swingers confusing… vegans, people who don’t like tacos, people who think musical theater is art and not an abomination… I don’t get it, but I do know that none of these people are somehow a threat to me.

Heck… I’m embarrassed to say it, but I’m reflexively repulsed by transgender people. Having worked with and had long,fascinating conversations with a number of transgender people, it seems like this is not uncommon… imagine how difficult it is to go through life having that effect on people by just being yourself?

I’ve taken a bit of a wandering path to get to a few points:

  1. Be nice to people. It’s free, and we all deserve it.

  2. If you’re offended by someone else’s desire to be acknowledged for who they are, revisit my first point, and maybe ask you’re why you care so much.

  3. If you think gender is simple, you’re wrong. The binary, categorical abstraction that we’ve created to understand it certainly is simple… but it’s an abstraction… it’s a model of reality that made some truly massive assumptions, and our science has matured to the point where we can now see the flaws in those assumptions. This is a GOOD thing. This is how progress works.

The only caveat is that any of those “gender affirming care” programs are not allowed to “help” children, and yes I am against legislation. If a kid isn’t old enough buy a lighter, they definitely shouldn’t be allowed to make such a life changing decision until they’ve matured more, and better understand the ramifications of their actions.

I would say, at least wait until they are 21. I actually believe the legal adult age should be moved to 21, as 18 year olds are still so immature, but 18 should be the age that they are legally allowed to work as an adult. But I digress. Point is, they have to be an adult first.

Like I said, the tool is there, mass reporting is how you win arguments here, unfortunately. Even if the “conservatives” did not use mass reporting against the “progressives”, they themselves would still get mass reported against. So, like I said, it’s understandable that in a war-like landscape like this, that the combatants will use any and all tools they can.

Basically, yes.

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Well no, it had meaning. You kinda just didn’t understand it.


It does

essentially, the exact same way any studio makes adjustments to big badass characters in other video games is corporate shilling for the “non woke wahh wahh wahh pronouns” crowd, the same way june is for queer folk, does it mean its specifically ONLY done with money in mind? no, because companies actually have to have a level of care in their product or its painfully easy to see through that, and it has been, whenever companies do that people catch on pretty fast

next to that blizzard itself and overwatch specifically, has a story thats like half based on rights violations and fighting for rights, its not exactly rocket science to think why theyd add something on pride month


You apologise and correct yourself when it is a real person with feelings. I am not going to apologise to a video game character with no soul about accidently using the wrong pronouns :joy:

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I know, I’m just trying to clarify to that guy why it is not my fault for assuming a different context if there isn’t sufficient information in the sentence, he says I’m somehow lying and my argument is BS

That’s dishonest…

No one talks like that. It’s more like.

A: where is mike?
B: I saw them going out…

A:Which hose belong to Merry and Tracie?
B:This house is theirs.

And so on.

There is never a pronoun without actual context prior suggesting what you are talking about.

Or do you really unironically say out of the blue “she went to the park today” without indicating who is “she”?

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Nobody was suggesting you apologise to the video game character.


As long as people don’t keep bringing it up by correcting pronouns in game constantly it will get better.

Why would it be satire?

No one is talking about physical anatomy here mate.

We’re talking about psychology and culture. If there’s more than 2 personality ‘types’ then why would there be only 2 ways people feel about how they present themselves, and what their culture says about what is and isn’t masculine or feminine?