Yet another Widowmain thread

OWL players aren’t like the average joe. They also played sombra and doomfist but that doesn’t mean those heroes are useful.

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Djee I don’t know…stand on a ledge somewhere 300 miles away where no-one can get you and dink like you’re supposed to? If that doesn’t work you can play something else

Wrong, it’s just the living proof, that you are living in a bubble, refusing to what other people say and therefore unwilling to reflect upon your game play and errors that you are doing.

I’ve got news for you: the ranked mode is not a ladder, which you can continously climb, but instead a system which places you in relation to the other players where you do stand skill wise. If you do not climb this means, that you’ve reached a certain plateau and that you don’t improve for the moment.

Yes, you are doing fundamental errors with Widowmaker, and you are doing them frequently, otherwise you would have left Gold long ago. If you want to climb, you should

a) either play another hero or
b) get a grip and burst your bubble.

Your choice.

www. youtube. com/watch?v=0kdu7iZOPfA

Oh, and why might they think of this of Widow?

Because they’ve never seen a good widowmaker in their life.

hanzo was useless because he was a projectile dps and in long range distances, it was just RNG and luck. widow is hitscan and had a way of escape in the form of grapple. thats why widow was viable. widow was not useless. hitscan is always way better than projectile. can you believe torb and mccree have the same gun? but since mccree is hitscan he does more damage.

same reason why pharah is a very strong pick in low elos but weak in high elos (in most situations)… no good hitscans in lower elos.

Sure but my point is, not many ppl can utilize widow well enough to be a valuable pick unless it is someone who you trust.

Please point me to all the maps in Overwatch where a Widowmaker can safely stand and snipe form 300+ meters away well out of range from dive tanks/heroes.

I’m not saying there aren’t things I can improve on. There most certainly are, but if you spend 3 out of the 4 minutes of the round shooting into a Rein, Winston, and Orisa shield and kill nobody. The solution isn’t oh, just play more Widowmaker, or oh, just play Widowmaker better, as the other post seemed to imply.

There’s no physical way to make my character shoot out more dead end DPS to break shields and somehow get picks aside from blatant cheating.

In certain cases maybe you can get around the enemy or approach from a different angle, but in some cases like the first point on Eichenwald or the first point on Hanamura there’s basically one direction you can attack from and while sometimes you can succeed in slipping through the choke to attack at a different angle there’s no guaranteed way to do this without throwing your already blatantly weak melee ranged hero into 6 hungry sharks.

Just take a look at the video link I posted and see, how the widow there deals with Genji and Winston. This Widow is around 26XX, so not too far away from you.

And if there are too many shields around and you think you are unable to have any impact, it’s maybe time to pick another hero, of course.

Only during her ultimate

time for us to cry helplessly as we forever dink the enemy team only to their entertainment, no longer to their deaths :<

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That’s if you can get past the barrier/shield addiction the Dev team seems to be suffering from.