Yet another Widowmain thread

This just in!

Brigitte gives everyone armor. The devs cannot think of a single hero that doesn’t [Edited by Blizzard]o ut a shield in some way or another. Hanzo gets a buff and faster flying arrows when he already [Edited by Blizzard] out deadly tree trunks at chest level for crits with zero reload.

What is a lowly Widowmaker to do?

Get [Edited by Blizzard] salty. That’s what.
I’m saturated over here man.

I’m PikaChokeMe. Stay tuned for more rage threads. See you at 3am for the weather.

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On the plus side, everyone who had a chance of killing you other than other snipers is currently unviable.


On the plus plus side, most main tanks that countered Widow with barriers are [Edited by Blizzard] dead due to Brig.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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Are they? Because even when I play reaper I feel like I can’t kill anything with Brigitte around.


Well yeah cus Brig counters everyone but Pharah (I mean this as a joke XD) you wanna use CQC heros like Reaper when a Brig is around have fun it’s a nightmare, hence why Winston and Rein are just unfun right now.

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that’s because you can’t, not because widow. widow is one of the best DPS ATM


Really though? Because everyone I know seems to hate her because she’s trash. She can’t offer her team anything except picks and that’s if people are dumb and out of position.

it was like that but now snipers, phara and junk are the top tier dps

I am actaully expecting some buff to her soon to happen.
Hanzo just got a huge buff and she was just as useless as him before.


If sniper is your thing why not hanzo. Try your description of OP for a chance and realize how hard it is to snipe compared to widow.

Hanzo doesn’t feel like a sniper and people generally like snipers for looking down sights.

This. Also because hanzo is EZ gg garbage.

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Dive is still effective, and is routinely run opposing Death Ball. Mirroring Brigitte has proven to be really ineffective, hence why Brigitte’s winrate hasn’t been turned into straight 50/50.

Rein and Zarya are literally the most played tanks right now in Death Ball comps.

D.Va is the second most picked tank overall.

Nothing about Widow changed. She’s still 120 damage bodyshot, still has a buggy hook, and still doesn’t have contest capabilities.

At no point did she become the “best DPS at the moment”, because she’s literally the same she has been for over 6 months.

Other DPS are currently, objectively better. They’re just not getting picked because “meta” and Death Ball with Brig as off-support/off-DPS counters their zoning capabilities.

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widowmaker is crazy strong right now, even more after the introduction of brigitte.

Her strength is the same as before. She’s not strong(er). Other characters are weaker.

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thats what i meant because agile heroes are unviable in this meta

Brigitte has a shield, which doesn’t make her any more or less susceptible to widow than any other shield tank imo.

Not now. even Kepherii stop playing her

We just recently had a thread here, that since the release of Brigitte in GM games there’s always a Hanzo and Widowmaker.

only Hanzo not widow Hanzo is her main counter now people trying play her but it’s always lose, she can even stun you on a sniper spot from far range