Yet another Mercy Rework idea

Hey everyone. I thought I’d throw my hat into the rework ring again just for fun. Obviously numbers are not set in stone.

Heal Beam increased to 60 HPS.
Let’s face it, she’s not viable if she doesn’t have this.

Damage Beam renamed to Enhancement Beam. Enhancement Beam can give any one of the following 3 enhancements.

  • 30% Damage Boost
  • 20% Damage Reduction
  • 45% Move Speed Boost Edit: Getting a decent amount of feedback against this one… I do sorta want to keep 3 total enhancements though. Anyone got ideas?
Other Beam Ideas Suggested by Mercy-14587

I just thought of another one: Basically, it gives a small boost to cool downs. Like, it speeds them up by a small percentage. So it would require a bit of coordinating with your team, and it’d still be very useful. But not set the value too high, to prevent Ability spamming.

E: Pushing E cycles her Enhancement Beam through the 3 options. No CD.
Most of the fun and skill of Mercy is constantly answering the question “Who needs which beam right now?” What better way to make her more fun and skillful than to give her 2 more beams to think about?

Blaster, GA, and Out of Combat Regen are unchanged.
Why fix what isn’t broken?

Q: Valkyrie
10s Duration
Remove Chain Beams
Remove Beam Length buff
Perma Regen could be removed for balance if needed
Flight Stays
Blaster Buffs stay
GA Buffs can stay

After activating Valkyrie, Q becomes a single use instant melee range Resurrect.
While Active, Valkyrie makes any active beam twice as powerful… so beam options during Valkyrie look like this.

  • 120 HPS
  • 60% Damage Boost
  • 40% Damage Reduction
  • 90% Move Speed

Those numbers may look a tiny bit high, but remember Mercy can only use one of these at a time.

Basically this makes Valkyrie into what it should have been from the start. An ultimate that keeps all of the decision making found in Mercy’s kit but ramps up the raw power, instead of an ultimate that makes that earlier question a non question. You don’t need to worry about who needs your help if you can help everyone and it is almost certain that somebody needs healing.


Valkyrie needs obliterated from this game. It’s the very antithesis of fun.


Mercy is good right now. Let other supports shine in the meta for a few years.


You aren’t wrong, but I doubt the devs are willing to delete it. Also making it shorter and single target should make it significantly more fun. I think so anyway.

100 % agree! :+1: !!

A biased, spiteful post containing falsehoods in reply to a Mercy post. Why am I not surprised?

@FireBrandd I’m not sure what to make of your 45% speed boost. One of the problems with Valkyrie was that it enabled Mercy to do other heroes’ jobs. Putting a similar thing in Mercy’s base kit…

People keep throwing this sentence around. I don’t think they know what it means.


All given data shows the opposite of this! She’s no good in game and she’s no fun, so. Something needs to change. :innocent:

Also, OP! I like the beam thing, but not the Speed Boost. I kinda want to keep that as Lucio’s thing? So each character has their own little ability. Maybe a weapon enchantment, like increase reload speed?

Jaimz26 posts
" Let other supports shine in the meta for a few years."

How is it spiteful. Mercy has literally been a must have/high pick rate support for majority of OW seasons. It’s not biased, I love mercy but games get stale with the same heroes showing up

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She is good just not grand master good. I’ve seen plenty of exceptional Mercy players on ladder

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Can we have feedback on the idea instead of getting into a flame war about whether Mercy needs changes or not?


How is it the antithesis of fun? I’m not saying it’s super powerful but it does basically make everything you do a bit better.

What point are you trying to make? I was focusing on his first sentence hence why I quoted only that. It is objectively false.

She just has a lower pickrate because people don’t like her re-work and she is not optimal in M/GM. She is still a very good support


Personal experiences can’t be applied to everyone. If we use such arguments, I can easily say Bastion is fine because I saw good Bastions in my game. What point am I trying to make? Arguing like this is pointless. If you want actual proof that she’s in-fact underpowered, take a glance at Overbuff.

What kind of argument is this? Her pickrate has always been high since her rework. Now, it’s only low. You can’t use such a (no offence) bad argument to prove your point.

That right there is enough reason to consider changing her.

I still haven’t seen any arguments from you. She is middle of the road pick rate and roughly 50% winrate i fail to see the problem other than people don’t like her playstyle anymore so the one trick mercy mains are all boo hooing in silver and gold.

She has a less than 50% Winrate in every rank, the last time I checked. Which was yesterday/day before. And her pickrate has plummeted.