Yesterday, I felt sorry for two DPS guys

Are you insane? No one is dumb enough to buy the same exact game with slightly updated graphics and a few content additions.

What happens to all the owners of overwatch 1? Suddenly their game is no longer relevant and no longer receives updates due to a new version that is basically exactly the same?

People already complain about games like cod and nba 2k and madden being too similar from year to year. If blizzard did what you are saying it would be 1000x times worse and people would absolutely destroy them for it.

I guarantee you this is never going to happen it’s common sense and it would look like the biggest cash grab attempt of all time. Asking people to pay for a “new” game that has a few additions which could’ve been added through updates would be the worst thing they could possibly do.

5 to 8 minutes on mid plat which was very frustrating cuz i had to spend as much time playing as waiting and it’s cancer
instant on healer and tank (same rank) so i finished placements pretty fast

I personally disagree.

Flank Widows still exist, and when the brawls occur with both teams running Doomfist Reaper, or Doom Pharah+Mercy, it comes down to killing your counter (a DPS) and then going ham with a carry-DPS.

Sigma cannot stop a Doom 9/10 times. If it’s a GM Sigma against a Bronze Doom, ofc- but on equal footing, DPS have better kits for results on their own.

Been there. We lost in like 5 minutes. Got spawn camped and didn’t even have a ghost of a chance. That is so unfair it’s not even funny. What are you supposed to do against that kind of opposition?

Edit: I also lost 45 SR for that game. >_>

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I, actually, had a similar experience to what you mentioned, in your OP. I queued up for Support (which alone took about 15 mins) and we got started. We set up our Defense and, then someone on the enemy team left. My DPS then talked about how it sucked that they waited over 20 minutes just for the match to be cancelled.

And, honestly, I’ve had some similar situations, trying to do my DPS placements. It’s rough, man.

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Yeah, man, even quick play isnt immune to these bollocks

I think this is proof that role queue is NOT amazing, and there is more evidence to back that.

Mostly how as support I’m stuck with crappy tanks, dps, or both. There’s only so much I can do as Moira/Ana/Brig/Mercy. It just reminds me why I hate team games so much.

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If we can get more tank mains back, the queue times will shorten. Simple queuing theory.


I’ve been a huge supporter of 2-2-2 and will be until the day I die. I’m even willing to admit that I didn’t expect some of the queue times to be that long.

But I do feel sorry when this stuff happens.

At least in games like WoW you could do other things like questing, gathering resources, etc. But while you queue in Overwatch you can’t really do much. Skirmish is a joke in and of itself. It’s a glorified walking simulator or everyone just emotes at each other since there is no challenge or objective. Even if you tried to practice aiming most people don’t really… do anything so I just have it turned off. Which leaves staring at Hog and watching the amazing “physics” of his shark skin for however long I queue for.

Personally if they keep this direction, and a part of me hopes they do because I have been enjoying role Q a ton, I at least hope they add something to do while you wait. Even if it’s putting you in a game with a bunch of AI and trying to win an objective (Something that has no consequences if you leave but also gives you something to do) or at the very least let you go into the training grounds (And maybe give it an overhaul while they’re at it)

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I feel for them but dps duoing is pretty dumb these days. You know the queues are bad for a single dps and they only get worse for duos.

I don’t know how people can still support 222 given the lower game quality it brought.

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I’ve been experiencing the complete opposite. It’s raised my game quality quite a bit.

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I would have to say that is false, since this whole thing started every match has just be one disaster after the next. Being a support main there is only so much I can do. I don’t want to play tanks now because that in itself is nightmarish now.

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Role QQ is a mistake (the idea is good but Kaplan and OW are the problem, as always) like this game since the end of the first year.

Hope this games dies soon, people din’t deserve this lack of good updates and content por 30+ bucks

I certainly haven’t suffered lower quality games…

…Quite the opposite.


I’m tired of seeing sym, sigma and doom in pretty much every team.

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I’m tired of seeing people crying about sym, doom, sigma and widow.

Edit : how could I forget moira too.

Doesn’t mean anything will change about it…

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You’re… Trying to tell me that my experiences of higher quality games are false…?

This is the best part for me. I get to excel at my role while not worrying if I’m going to be solo healing or fighting for a spot as a healer. My worst role is tank and when I’ve had to fill as tanks I’ve basically been bringing my team down. Now I don’t have to play tank if I don’t want to.

I’ve been having some of the best games. Sure, there are still stomps / stomped games, but I’ve actually been getting quite a lot more matches that are super close and I’m not getting frustrated to the point of closing the game anymore.

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Dont waste your time. Fanboys like him are the reason of why we have a low quality game right now.

They never complain and they are happy with the same lucio ball event every year and some skins

I am.

Also it sucks to be doing your best and knowing it’s not enough if the rest of your team sucks. It’s pointless to excel at a role if you don’t get anywhere. That’s like saying you’re the fastest on a treadmill.