Yesterday, I felt sorry for two DPS guys

I’m checking that post :

When all of my fellow Masters friends placed DPS, our max queue time as a solo DPS was about 10 minutes.
When they queued with me (as a Tank) or one of our Supports, it’d take between 5 and 7 minutes.

Tank and Sup typically take under 3 minutes to get in.

Granted, this has only been our experience in NA on PC. But it’s not really been too long when any of us play DPS. Now, when we stack 2 DPS- THAT is when the queues get absurd.

GM I can only assume is so long because it’s simply the most direct way to win games: mechanical skill.
In 3.7k and above, getting 1 kill typically means you win the entire fight. So DPS having such high kill potential for GMs is probably why it’s so popular.

Really makes me feel bad for them, but hey, if I actually start grinding comp as a Tank again- it should help at least a little.

Were they duo queuing as DPS?

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Honestly, you shouldn’t feel sorry for them. I know it sucks, but that’s life. This is an economics problem. Everyone wants to play DPS and there isn’t enough tanks and supports (tanks specifically) queuing up to support the demand.

Regardless of how good or honest their feelings come from, they chose to be part of the problem as opposed to part of the solution.

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yeah ps4 as well, it takes anywhere from 5mins to 25mins for me, I’m in gold/plat/diamond (got a few accounts). Since QP went live with 222 I’m playing more of that on dps since a) I need the practice :smiley: and b) it only take a couple of minutes for that mode usually

No … we don’t.

All roles should be treated fairly. And they are.

The only difference is DPS is by far the most popular role so queues can take a lot longer.

Thats down to the players willingness to flex more.

So the ranks where the top three ish percent of the playerbase is at… You can’t seriously expect low queue times up there.


With the current meta what wins fights is having better tanks, you can’t do anything else than shoot shields as dps.

Add them as friend. Maybe you could help lessen their queue time by queueing with them.

The dps on my team said “let them get the checkpoint I want to kill more people”.

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Another thing to consider is that those 2 dps players may not be dps mains. They could be tanks/supports playing their dps placements or just want to play dps in general.

Those players would never want to play DPS ever again. Who in their right minds would wait for 28-30 minutes and then lose in 5 minutes? Or worse, someone leaves?

But that is what most dps mains have to sit through nowadays. We might have a new problem that Blizzard creates more tanks that are just fat dps or supports that are just dps that can heal in burst to balance the queue time. But if that were to happen, what’s the point of playing dps? At this point some tanks can even out damage DPS while having a much better synergies with the supports than dps would be.

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After waiting for more than 10 minutes, I get a game on Oasis. We win first round, and during second round, I was secretly hoping that we’d lose just so I can play more. I wasn’t throwing, I was trying my best, but hoping for a loss. I had to re-evaluate my life after catching myself thinking that. Imagine wishing to lose in a competitive game

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I don’t know why people talk out of their bums as if they know something we don’t. You have no idea what the sequel to Overwatch will look like, and neither do I. But since you put your opinion out there, I will put mine. Overwatch will never have a PVE only sequel. Overwatch 2 will have both PVE and multiplayer, because they need to relaunch the whole game with everything they learned so far, 2-2-2 from day one, and bring everyone back to playing.

While 2-2-2 has brought some people back, it’s clear the game is nowhere near where it was in terms of population as it was near launch. So a multiplayer sequel is 100% inevitable. The only question is when, because the game still has life in it and launching too soon would be a waste as it would kill the current game.

The Problem is… the only 2 Ways I could see Queue Times for DPS going down segnificantly without having the Improved Match Expierence Suffering greatly is to get more players and/or more players on Tank and Support. Which Would mean we’re gonna need some more engaging new Additions to both rosters again,.
Right now some of the main Arguments to play DPS are that OW is an FPS game, there is just much more varyity to chose from and that Supports and Tanks currently often have counter potential.
The first one is obvious, but at the same time we have Tanks like D.Va or Supports like Baptise or Ana who are great examples that FPS heroes can exist outside of the DPS category…
Varyity will only really come if there are much more Support/Tank hero releases in the future… Yes it’s still gonna mainly be Making space/Protecting and Supporting your team… At the same time things like Pick Tanks can works, Roadhog being a great example… also more active Tanks like Sigma are a possibility… With Support… We could once again try out Supports that aren’t just about healing… as an Example I’ll not bring Symmetra, who was a support a while ago but a different hero that could have made a perfect no-healer support: Sombra. Hacked Health packs, Intelligence on the enemy team and an Ultimate that is one of the best setups for teamwipes… Sombra could have been a great alternative support.
The last part and in the game currently most visible one… Supports/Tanks don’t have much counter potential. Most Counterpicking with current game balance in a way to really deter enemies has to be done by DPS. A pocketed Phara for example is gonna be hard to avoid if the 2 DPS are dead set on playing non-hitscans… and even if your Ana or Baptiste can shoot them, thats time they won’t be healing. Fixing this would also require more diversity for the Tank and Support roles to allow in role counterpicking in every role while still being able to do the main duties of your character.

I’ve been watching streamers getting like 30 mins queue then someone leave the match and they have to wait again… dude I would probably quit :l

If overwatch 2 has multiplayer it will either be coop vs ai or a completely different type of pvp experience than what we have now.

If you are suggesting that overwatch 2’s multiplayer will consist of overwatch 1 content plus some new maps modes and heroes then you are nuts and have no clue what you’re talking about as well as zero awareness of how games like this progress over time.

Overwatch will never have a direct sequel with simply more of the same type of content. That would be dumb and blizzard would make no money off of it because the playerbase would see it as an absolute ripoff which it would be.

Throwing the blame back on the dps. Yes. Your kind sucks…

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My kind, i am the freaking demographic we are talking about, not only that but the ones experiencing it the worst GM+, i was merely stating the fact, that them getting mad at people for a problem they also clearly made worse is not an excuse at all.

I hate your kind, that cannot understand the comment or read it thoroughly

My experience is the following in QP:

I joined a game after 6 minutes of queue time, got straight up to the defeat screen. Waited another 6 minutes for a game, got flamed constantly by the entire team and threatened to be reported. Got into another game, game got reset because there weren’t enough people, back to loading screen. Alt + F4 at that point because I didn’t have the patience to wait another 10 minutes for a game even when alt-tabbing and reading some other stuff.

The Winston reported me because apparently the Reaper was countering me somehow as Doomfist. I was legitimately bamboozled. He didn’t switch but tried to get everyone on my team and the enemy team to report me despite me dying to Reaper only one time and getting said Reaper killed almost every team fight. According to the Winston I wasn’t doing enough.

I constantly get harassed by toxic tank and support players who think are holier-than-thou.

The situation is pretty much the same in Competitive just longer queue times.

The sad thing is I am not even a DPS main - I flex and I’m Diamond in all three roles - DPS, Tank, Support.

The idea that these tanks and support players can flame me because I am currently playing DPS is flat out ridiculous because I can see they are making mistakes since I also can play their roles.

It’s honestly not worth playing DPS at all - absurd amount of toxicity on the forums here with people blaming DPS for everything, in-game with false reports left and right. Long queue times - I have limited time to play this game and honestly it’s just not enjoyable to play DPS anymore and consequently I don’t feel like playing Overwatch anymore (even as a flex player).

I am finally considering quitting this game altogether after 3+ years.


Are you crazy? Because being certain that they would never do the only thing that makes sense when your playerbase is shrinking certainly sounds crazy.

Relaunching Overwatch, with reworked graphics and textures and with 2-2-2 from the start encouraging people to learn all roles, would be the only way to instantly quadruple your userbase back to where it was, or more. Queue times are never gonna get fixed without fresh players balancing out the roles after mass exodus by supports and tanks tired of 1-5 or 1-4-1.

There will never be an Overwatch sequel that doesn’t have full multiplayer, that’s my opinion. You may be right that they’re that dumb, but I seriously doubt it.

Like legit question…did DPS mains not really know this was going to happen? Did they really think with role queue they’d be fine? After Tank and Support and Blizzard explicitly tells you that it will create long queue times?

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