Yes! New players in Bronze 5

For you naysayers over the years: Your skill at gameplaying doesn’t translate one bit into match making (kruger dunning at its finest).

For the STEM (and mathematically inclined) players with some training or advanced degrees: This was an extremely obvious, statistical misuse/misunderstanding.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (


I used to be in bronze back in OW1 years ago.

I got out of bronze on tank by playing Zarya. Everyone in bronze attacks Zarya’s bubble no matter what and they just charge you like crazy. So I end up just going ham on everyone as Zarya and killing everybody.

I got out of bronze on DPS by learning how to aim. Easy and simple as that.

I got of bronze on support by sniping enemies as Ana. In Bronze everybody has bad positioning so it was easy to snipe and kill.

Getting out of bronze ain’t that difficult. You just need to learn basic game fundamentals and your out of there. You don’t even need your team.

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What I don’t understand is how can an MMR be equivalent to a rank if the two aren’t linked anymore? Saying slightly below average MMR is silver makes no sense as silver can be silver, gold and plat MMR levels now.

The list of “fundamentals” build-up with each rank. What’s enough to get out of Bronze isn’t necessarily enough to stay in Gold.

In super-impactful roles like tank and support, what’s fundamental is not even obvious for someone brand new to the game.