Yes, I finally did it

I finally got my 3000 competitive points ready to get Junker Queen’s Golden weapons when OW 2 comes out :crown:

Allow me to present my experience of playing competitive (every single match):

But it’s finally over. I hope you enjoy your experience in competitive… because I sure as heck didn’t.

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See and that’s the reason why golden weapons for comp points were a big mistake. You didn’t play because you wanted a competitive experience, you played because you wanted a shiny weapon.


I hope they take out gold wepons

Cool now you need another 3k point for sojourn
unless golden weapon is removed and you have to pay $$ for it

You should prepare mentally for the comp point system to be removed and golden weapons to be tied to something else (they seemed to hint at this over the years). There is a chance you grinded these for nothing, and consider getting another golden weapon in OW1 if you’re missing any.

It’s gonna be a real kick in the face when the shop starts selling them.

It’s like slamming your hand in a car door repeatedly these days…

They did say competitive points will be transferred over and Junker Queen’s Golden Weapon could be purchased for competitive points in the beta. It’s not going to look good if they do a misleading bait and switch… Blizzard is already on thin ice with the backpedaled lies as it is.

What will happen to lootboxes and the current currencies… once Overwatch 2 goes live?
Answer from j-specs:
Thanks for your question!
We’ll share a more detailed explanation on all of these topics before Overwatch 2 goes live in October. To give you a quick answer now though, those existing currencies (credits, OWL tokens, and competitive points) will come with you into Overwatch 2. We are not transitioning loot boxes into Overwatch 2, and ahead of launch, any unopened loot boxes will be automatically opened with your account receiving all the contents directly. EDIT: clarified below as well that OW1 credits come with you to OW2, but our new virtual currency will be the main currency, and there will be things in OW2 that will not be purchasable with those OW1 credits.

Yep especially playing Reinhardt but the hacks, freezes, sleeps, hooks, stuns, boops off cliffs, charges, shatters, healers that don’t heal, DPS that don’t kill pharah or a simple turret, Off-tanks that don’t peel, off-tanks that instant-lock their favourite and feed all game, leavers that leave even though we’re winning, chokepoint spam, Lucio/Moira’s that get in the way of nano/zarya bubbles that could keep me alive, the amount of ultimate spam near the end of the match as a cheap win… all of this is worth it to finally get the points to get Junker Queen’s Golden weapons.

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