I don’t know proper Forum etiquette and my grammar sucks, please for give me if I step on any “unwritten” rules.
That said, you people are @#$hats!
Seeing such ignorance laced elitist attitudes, devolve into off topic hatred in this way… is shameful.
Apple ships millions of new Mac every year, mac gamers DO exists. I currently play Overwatch on a Mac mini bootcamped into windows. I’ve owned many gaming PC’s over the years… gtx480/680/780/2070super… many consoles too. TODAY, in almost every case consoles and PC are the better choice.
BUT, I prefer MacOS for day to day things. It works better for ME. I find that MacOS gets out of my way when I want to do things… I works better for ME.
With the release of the new ARM based M1 CPUs, I would LOVE to be able play Overwatch on the MacBook Air that sits in front of me. As a GAMER, I like options.
Ive always held the belief that if someones cares more about the system games are played on and not about the games, they’re not real gamers… they’re posers with an inferiority complex. I mean, how else can you explain having such blind passion when explaining to people how stupid they are for wanting to PLAY GAMES.
A Mac User.
P.S. Please bring Overwatch to the new ARM Apple chips… I don’t even care if I have to buy it again.
Mac OS only supports Metal as their video backend. That means OpenGL, DirectX, and Vulkan are all out of the question. There is a Vulkan wrapper called MoltenVK but that’s a very hacky workaround. Blizzard would have to write an entirely new video backend to accommodate Metal for a playerbase that would probably rather play on any one of the other four platforms the game currently runs on.
Then again, they went to the trouble of porting the game to the Switch, which runs an ARM processor like the M1. But the M1 is significantly more powerful. So who knows? I guess it’s possible.
It was on gefroce now, but something within Activision blizzard goes against streaming and it was pulled down.
Ironically I know this bc of a apple poster who couldn’t play the game anymore.
Not sure 100% but I think it really was on gefroce now
Hopefully the development of OW2 will eventually lead to a kernel-mode component for the anticheat.
All users who do not use a native Windows system should be locked out of the game.
Directly, the idea of games being playable on Mac is great, but it’s not particularly easy to achieve. Apple is extremely anti-developer in their business and design philosophies. They make it a nightmare trying to release and maintain software compatible with Mac or iOS, especially if you also want that software to be compatible with any other platform, which obviously every game developer does.
And if the game of your choice isn’t available on Mac, you can Bootcamp into Windows and run it on your preferred device anyway, so directly supporting Mac OS hardly seems worthwhile to build.
Where people play their games makes no difference to me as a player, but as a game developer myself, I can certainly sympathize with any other game developer who doesn’t want to fight the battle against Apple to try to get a game onto their OS.
It’s more of a side thing than a main thing. Although PC’s are much more affordable, I’ve never seen a laptop as clean as the M1 airs and most fine arts use mac (except for possibly photo production and music production). As someone that both systems due to IRL, I can say that the Macbook is far more consistent since it’s a product for consumers rather than performance. While it plays at lower FPS and all that, there’s not nearly as much slowness and I’ve played MMO’s without a mouse and just on the laptop. So no, people don’t get it for gaming, but it should still be an option due to all the other things people get it for.
okay, let me bring you to denmark. in denmark you can get a mac mini m1 for 7000 dkk and if you want a pc that can run OW at 60fps it will set you back around 10000 dkk, a PS4 will set you back 3000 dkk, if you want a PS5 it will atm set you back 7500 dkk, so yes, in denmark a mac can be the cheepest soloutin
Typically people don’t get in and reply to stuff over a month old, mostly because the information in them which people are chatting over is out of date.
But since the thread has started back up… time to see if we can get more up to date info here.
Mac Minis (the M1 versions) and PS5s are both pretty expensive in NZ (and the same price as each other) compared to a off the shelf PC which would run Overwatch without issues.
It is weird how different places are like this.
I think it would be interesting to see an M1 version of Overwatch, but given how different the processors are, I wouldn’t expect to see it till after OW2’s release, if at all.
it would be nice to see yes, but i would not count on it, but blizzard has suprised us before, so it could happen, but not before OW2, and the could suprise us with a version for mac m1 at launch day, but i wouldent count on it
the biggest problem i see is, less and less ppl ar trying to game on mac, so it would proberly not be worth the time for them to do, like when wow came out, a lot of ppl was using mac for gaming, not AAA gaming but still it made it worth it.
and with the m2 chip it could change it for blizzard, im not saying it do, but maby if ppl ar lucky it will
I am Danish as well and he is massively overstating the cost if the goal is a PC that runs Overwatch at 60 FPS or he is buying expensive branded prebuilt stuff (and even then I think you could easily go cheaper).
I built a computer for 10000 DKK about 2 years ago and it has been able to run pretty much all newer games at at least 60 FPS ever since and Overwatch it handles at 120 FPS without any hiccups.
While I can’t say how much it would cost these days, if your goal is 60 FPS Overwatch i think you could find something closer to 5000 DKK easily.
Several countries apple stuff costs like twice to three times of the price of a budget pc. Some countries even consoles are more expensive than actual budget gaming rigs.
It is a wild out there.
MacBook air (m1) version can cost 2247.17 USD on a certain countries. A really good gaming rig can be done with that. On US is about 999.
Not to mention the lack of support from apple and their predatory practices.
Apple messed up with several developers in the past and their closed environment were unforgiving for any developer outside of their niche being incentivized to work with. Not to mention their shifts of version, hardware and perks around it.
The adoption of “M’s” can help, but they need to solve the issue of provide better support for developers.
Most of the stuff gets deprecated either by date or their software/hardware shifts. On intel era were less problematic in terms of compatibility but at same time some performance were left on table more often than not, to the point of not having huge leaps between generations.
Mostly what apple did, was similar to what nintendo did with wiiu and at some extent did/still do on switch.
While nintendo’s target it is games, apple’s one aren’t. In that regard makes things even less attractive. Unless the marketshare and the target public compensate the hassle to deal with apple’s perks on software and hardware they wouldn’t support it. Like switch having similar hardware capabilities of wiiu but way better third party support and better marketing. At end of the day, hardware can play a factor for sure but software hassle(development and active support) and the number of users(public target) are the things that would have bigger weight on the balance.