Yellow Hardlight Sym Healer Rework Tease (VS) “Sym’s Ignorance Challenge”

Sym’s New Story

After reading the story, is hard to to tell if they are teasing a hero rework (With the yellow hard-light additions from Sym in today’s short story)…

Or they were just telling us to just accept Sym as she is. (“Without any additions from Viskar”)

(What do you think?)

(Is Sym being “Restored” or “Ignored”?)

You tell me:

(edit: Honestly already planning to call the upcoming challenge: “Sym’s Ignorance Challenge” instead of “Sym’s Restoration Challenge”

if there isn’t a rework.)

(Edit: which I am currently trying to figure out from what was revealed… likely the “orb of Perception” is involved.)


I think, as always, many are speculating too much everytime a new piece of lore content is released.

Not every location/character/feat makes it to live.


Sym mains are already like a cult.
Too much hyping up/speculation for nothing.


Both ways are possible honestly. Bastions passive was teased in the Binary comic but we havent had a full rework teased yet (Since they always announced them) but i dont think they ever will announce them again due to the backlash before seeing the product.

But looking at the possibilities the challenge could or did gave us (Looking at the Zen lore and some challenges including victory poses) anything can happen.


Actually, this is the first short story around a “DPS”

aka, others been Mercy, Ana, and Bapt.



I’m confident that the kintsugi and yellow hardlight are only there because of the thematic elements in the context of the story. Healer Symm may still be on the table, but this short story should not be misunderstood as an announcement or even a tease of a healer rework.


Isn’t it a Weekly Challenge one-off event to get a cool new skin for Sym?

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If I recall The Binary Comic was made way before the release of the game.

Short Stories are more recent.

2 weeks actually 17-30

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What if it’s two Weekly Challenges back to back and Zen gets a skin too?


Just searched it back, Bastion Binary was released in March 8, 2017

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We don’t have time before the winter event for that.


Symmetra Hardlight bridge?
Energy Siphon?
Being combat capable enough to go on espionage missions?

Where are those abilities?

(Yeah but it also had things like Torb’s trap ability… which existed before Overwatch Demo, according to the art book.)

This is first time we have seen “yellow hardlight”


I mean 17th to the 24th November for Sym, then 24th November to 1st December for Zen. It’s only wishful thinking and not actually something that’s going to happen. In much the same way, this event doesn’t mean anything for game balance as far as I’m concerned; Lego Bastion looks awesome but it had no bearing on his terrible situation whatsoever.

With Black Friday in the middle there…

I doubt they will have the time. (Or anyone for that matter)

You’re confusing “Sym mains” for “one person who always makes these kinds of posts” dude


To be fair, we are all “pilgrims” in this.

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I’m biased as hell since I want it to happen, but dear lord, was the short story screaming Healer Sym to high heaven.

After the Reddit comments, I just can’t see the themes of the story, her using yellow light over blue, and literally “healing” the temple as being a mere coincidence.


Honestly already planning to call the upcoming challenge: “Sym’s Ignorance Challenge” instead of “Sym’s Restoration Challenge”

if there isn’t a rework.