Year of the beard

so far 3 out of 4 of the new skins revealed have had huge beards. i wonder who’s getting the beard next? orisa?!

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“Stop right there!”

Beard goes flying off her face

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Orisa better get a beard.

In the time period the event is based off of beards had a significance in the culture. The longer the beard the wiser or more intelligent the person.

So majority of the people who played large roles in The Romance of The Three Kingdoms had beards unless they were still young or female (Which there are only about 4 females of significance in the books. The rest were just mentioned to exist and nothing more).


I have a beard. I agree with all of this.

The longer the beard the higher there power level is. Simple math :man_shrugging:

puts beards on the OR-15 bots in the Numbani airport

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Beards and their length are proportional to power level. Why do you think all the famous wizards have beards?

If they continue to follow this pattern soldier or mcree is next

Guess it’s the year of the :pig: (men) after all.

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Yeah, why can’t Orisa have a beard? Only MEN can have BEARDS???


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I’m pretty sure that in most fantasy worlds dwarven women have beards and it is seen as a sign of pride amongst all dwarven culture.

It’s why Gandalf can wreck Dumbledore. His beard game is weak :laughing:

so that´s why dwarfs have been always the most baddass race, they all got beards :bearded_person:


And yet Saitama has no beard… What if he grew one?

if you have long beard, you are more intellect, and wizards uses intelligence for spellcasting,
so Saitama doesn´t need one, because he is a One Punch Man

Are we going to ignore the fact the beards look like absolute garbage? It looks like someone grabbed a small animal and glued it to their faces. Hanzo is literally discount Santa Claus.

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Zennyatta of course!

Zarya has to be next.

We all know the correct choice is: Moira

Give D.Va a beard!!!