Yeah, that's not my Phreak

Agree with this. Phreak is an embarrassing name. Not that Hazard is much better (IMO it sucks), but I don’t get cringe-induced goosebumps when I say it out loud.

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I hate the hair style. Another hero with large weapon design. I miss the old design team.

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It was the concept profile pic shown at Blizzcon. Not full concept art but the only thing we had to go on for his appearance beforehand. It’s the only thing that Sassay could have been referencing.

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Replacing an F with a Ph to be “edgy” will always be embarassing.

Having said that, the hate is kinda ridiculous. I don’t care what they’re called or what their lore is, just gimme a hero who has decent abilities.


It made them into mindless zombies. Kind of like the Overwatch player base :wink:

I was referring to the concept art when I said he looked cool and the actual model they went with when I said he looks lame.

Yeeep. Just like the Juno trailer.

Seems like they fired their old animation team and promoted the writing team that made Sojourns dialogue.

Yep. Exactly.

He doesn’t even have half mask… My day is ruined.

Nah, their on the same Emo level, but Hazard has no flavor to it.

Hazard honestly just makes me think of a wet floor sign.

No. I decided from the OG concept art, the teased icon from BlizzCon, the Phreaks background still in the Recall animation, the name, and the sprays in Oasis/New Queen Street.

I don’t see why we would have to regain their trust. In my opinion, the community has been extraordinarily patient with Blizzard after they’ve repeatedly lied to our faces. Especially the people who stuck around after the dark ages of OW1 and the OW2 launch.

This is the concept art.

It’s an opinion and I’m allowed to have one.


I agree that Phreak is more interesting of a name than Hazard (if only by a little.) However you have to reconcile with the fact that there was no way a game that poorly polices harassment was going to release a hero that allows you to call someone freak.


You see, I would accept this if they weren’t posting Kiriko feet pics on their main socials and releasing characters like Juno. Not to mention, the Kitten of Discord and catgirl skins we got this season.

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Social media accounts for companies are a hellscape that I think we’d all do well to not give any attention to.

Did I miss something? What’s wrong with her?

idk, the kitten of discord thing is cringy as hell but kind of expected coming from SA the company. Catgirl skins on the other hand falls into the “cutesy/doki doki” style of cosmetics that every live service game seemingly does.

Point being the game has a very censor heavy text based system. So they would like want to avoid having an official character name not be typable in chat.

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So is Phreak, just spelled wrong which makes it even more obnoxious. Most names are literally just words. Sojourn, Mercy, Tracer, Reaper, Bastion, Sigma, Echo etc. Doesn’t make them any less iconic, memorable, or unique.

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He’s Edgerunner’s Maine but white, Scottish and less punk-y.
I’m more worried about his kit since that tiny slice just gave us yes gun, maybe cc, maybe melee, but yea he uh, really doesn’t stand out visually at all. Amazing you could do that with a gang leader named Hazard and the og concept honestly. He’s Mauga in a leather jacket wearing Sigma’s face.
I’m impressed they managed to make me less hyped for him, and my hype was already low enough to trip over.


looks like Rein with Maugas body with Orisas gun

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I was thinking that it looked more like the love child between Sigma and Mauga, but with Orisa’s gun.


He’s not exactly what I was thinking he’d be, but I enjoy him so far. Kind of happy he’s a blond, we haven’t exactly had a actual blond dude since… Junkrat… at launch. He feels fresh for the Tank roster which is mostly old or animals for the guys. Actual hot guy not in grandpa age is nice. Yes, we got Mauga but you can’t play him without everyone hating you cause of his kit.


See, I have epilepsy. Fortunately I don’t have photosensitive triggers for seizures. At least none that were found in testing. I still close my eyes when stuff gets rapidly flashy, just in case.

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Can’t please everyone :man_shrugging:

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No one in this game knows what they want.

I want 6v6
I want faster kill times
I want strong tanks
I want more flanking
I want less flanking

lol hero looks fine it’ll probably play fine and fun like most ow heroes and need some tweaking.

Trailer was fine it’s not a gameplay trailer it’s fine for what it was. It’s not like you were going to learn anything in it. It’s just to get you hyped up.

The marval rival trailer was just like it.

Marvel Rivals | Cinematic Trailer | No One Rivals Doom


oooh, someone missed the point of a forum. You know, “exchange of opinions”… :roll_eyes:

Just as well really, because parts of that trailer were eye-bleeding. I had to close my eyes for some of it.

My takes:

  • I would have preffered the spike colors to be greenish (because that was in my head), although the previpus teasers made it clear it wouldn’t be like that.
  • I would have loved him to have a metal jaw. I could do without the twin nose spikes.