Yeah, she needs some nerfs ASAP

Mercy is too strong.

Not only her damage boost, her movement is crazy and res is just press 1 button and get tons of value.

Sure, Sojourn and Widow are op too. But Mercy aint balanced, please, make some changes.

Maybe even a rework, where she needs some skill…

Playing against heros with Mercy pocket + res isnt fun, its the worst. Its even more annoying than playing against Kiriko (but shes op too).

Here is the thing, Mercy needs too little skill and she makes too much, thats not fair



Imma rant on this later.

I agree OP, I think when Mercy does Guardian Angle she should take a slight DoT until she gets to her target (air debris/bugs in the air). When she rezzes she should take +25% damage too. Also I might be spitballing here and it may be too much, but when she Valks she should also gain a resource meter to her tethers because they get a much longer range and also spread out to her allies. Like Defense Matrix levels of resource.

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I feel like both her damage boost and Zen’s orb can be unhealthy for the game. Mercy’s part depends more on the DPS that are meta atm. Nerfing damage boost significantly would make it worthless and to not really have value. It would probably need a rework.

Every time i get PharahMercy in QP, and in last few days i am getting it a lot believe me! It’s pure pain. My DPS simply can’t deal with it.

Mercy is my most played hero but i SEE how problematic damage boost can be. I am all for her kit rework.

I love you with all 20 of my required characters

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