Yall seem to forget that the game was neglected

How many years did the devs neglected overwatch 1 to ‘work’ on OW2 (change the monetization and add a few heroes), 3 years if im not mistaken. The game was practically ran on a skeleton crew.

Their was a stagnation of new content like maps and heroes which did make players move to different titles as things got old. This of course would effect que times since less players meant less people to play roles. Not to mention how slow patches were, which most of you guys remember when GOATs became the meta and wasn’t touched on for months.

Tank queue times were already an issue before they neglected the game.


It wasn’t the player count that affected the queue times, it was the ratio between the roles. I don’t believe the player count was ever low enough for it to make a noticeable difference.


Declining playercount did have an effect on queue times - specifically, it made Damage queues shorter (not longer). Because there were fewer people queueing.

Tank was still the bottleneck though.

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Yeah this was a result of the ratio, not the player count as more damage players were leaving compared to tank + support players due to the high queue times etc.

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Yeah I’d what that and a bunch of other things that got forgotten or conveniently omitted.

The horrible blunder of globally nerfing tank armor. This caused a mass exodus of tank players. By the time the devs decided to revert this decision those tank players never came back.

That is what really made the role less desirable. Bad balance decisions ran off a lot of players. Not just tank. But having tank players leave was a population this game couldn’t take for granted.

The chart he showed was form 2019…not right before OW2 when people were tired of the game…it probably looked worse by then

Player count only technically affects queue times because higher player counts allow for more games to play and therefore a faster flow of players reentering queue when their games are done. However, it’s only noticeable when you get to very low player counts. Not like ten thousand, or even a cool grand. I’m talking double digits for each role. Once you have more than that, players start cycling through their games fast enough that it becomes almost entirely about ratios of the roles.

Except that’s not how that works. Queue times for DPS were at the worst they ever were by the end of OW1, because of a declining player base.

That’s a completely unfounded claim. The only thing I know for sure is that DPS queues kept getting longer and longer.

Could what you are saying have caused the ratio of DPS players to tank players to go down? Maybe. Regardless, queue times got worse and worse.

It is possible that more tank players were leaving than DPS, and THAT’S why queue times were getting worse, I suppose.

I actually wouldn’t be surprised if tanks WERE down to double digits by the end of OW1, lol.

Take it up with Aaron.

Given the state of the Tank meta at the end of Overwatch 1, it seems likely.