Ya'll done oof'd up Blizzard!

This game has really gone to the dogs. At one point this used to be my all time favourite game. And to some degree it is, The characters, the lore, or well the small amount we have and hasn’t been retcon’d at least. However in recent months, this game has become a whole damn mess. First off let’s get this out of the way. Do you devs play the same game we do? You guys hand out nerfs and buffs as if you have no idea whats actually good for the game, You ruined Mercy, you reworked Symmetra for a second time even though it is universally agreed upon that her first rework was much,much better. And I’m not even gonna go into how stupidly overpowered Doomfist and Junkrat is.

My second point and by far the one I have the most strife with. Esports. Why are you investing so many resources into something that (lets be real here) is just a massive flop. You seem to cater to the 0.01% of esport pros while forgetting that the 99.99% of us make up the majority. Wouldn’t it be smarter to listen to the consumers that bring in the most money?

My third point, When you first set out for this game I remember hearing you guys say how you NEVER wanted to put content behind paywalls. Yet here we are, Yes Mercy’s skin was for charity that I understand. But putting Lucio’s emote or Sombra’s Diablo skin or Tracer’s and Genji’s all star skins behind a paywall? let alone an OWL paywall? That’s shameful.

And lastly, toxicity… This game is now filled with kids and tweens who scream mindlessly non stop. Do I even need to touch on the try hards?

In conclusion, you guys have REALLY s’d the bed on this game. Veteran players who have been playing this game since beta (myself included) are dropping like flies because of all these issues which you seem to just not care about anymore. I’m not sure if anyone will read this but I just needed to vent my feelings for this game. I wouldn’t be writing so much if I didn’t love this game. It isn’t too late to make changes Blizzard however, you are coming too close to the point of no return! If you keep going down the path then my best guess is that Overwatch won’t survive another year.


“The price of franchise spots in the Overwatch League has potentially more than doubled since the inaugural season launch. While Season 1 franchise spots went for $20 million, the success of the new esport offering has driven expected prices up from anywhere between $30 million and $60 million, according to ESPN.” -Gamesindustry.biz
Every new OWL team is worth 750,000 new players.


The well will dry up soon enough


What? JR is almost exclusively seen as underpowered and bugged since they nerfed him into the ground and doomfist isnt even overpowered.


Ohhhh is that so???

I love new symmetra.

Am I not part if this universe? Or did you come from another universe?


Maybe. I’m sure Blizz has done some cost/benefit analysis on where to focus its attention. They must anticipate the loss of players to be worth it.

Aria Rose goes into detail about it here: - YouTube

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Blizzard is now owned by Activision so I wouldn’t put my utmost trust into them on that lol

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Ariarose’s videos are “universally agreed upon” to be generally pretty biased. And arent a good indicator for how different people enjoy different things. No opinion or video can make Jeorge dislike sym’s current kit. And since at least one person, although there are definitely more, like her current kit. Its not “universally agreed upon that her first rework was much,much better.”


judging from who I have personally spoken to that was the answer

If i talk to exclusively birds the general consensus will be that “cats are bad”


that makes no sense lmaooo. I talked to multiple people who aren’t even symm players and they said her first rework was better lol

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“Aria Rose said it, and I even talked to a couple people therefore everyone must agree… right? Right??”


It makes perfect sense. If you go looking on posts for people who dislike youll find them. Make a post called “Whos enjoying the new sym, I love her” And youll find people who do.

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No, but she makes some good points plus I make my own opinions and talk to other people?

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There goes my will to continue reading.


I don’t need to make a post. I talked with people irl and on discord plus as a symm player I formed my own opinion.

Good for you super chief. The key word there is “Opinion” Meaning not “Universally agreed upon”


I agree with all of this, except Junkrat is pretty weak atm.