Yall are really childish about Mccree' spray

i havent actually seen what it was swapped out with. its still only natural that players are going to be mad, especially if it wasn’t replaced with something nearly identical.

Are you talking about your hyperbolic reply in a post about a noose spray?

Taking preemptive action on a constantly misinterpreted spray is not stupid. It’s smart business.

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Honestly none of these “IT should be REMOVED!!!” people were talking about it for the past 4 years

why is it suddenly a problem to them now


And that’s just weird. I can’t fathom how people can get so attached to a 25 Gold Hero cosmetic. Why pay attention to such people?

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No, I gave a better clear answer to it, and rebuke of it, but that seems to have evaded you. Try to read it again, and see if you can determine what the response to your core assertion of “we can include guns, but not nooses, because I have arbitrarily decided that guns meet my unspecified and unknowable criteria for inherent nobility” might have been.

Also - so I can’t note Moira’s unsavory inspiration, or the unsavory inspiration of other characters, themes, and images in this game…but we can note the unsavory inspiration of a noose, even when that inspiration is itself clearly false, so long as that in service to “woke” imagery policing?

The very least you people could do, if you insist on defending this kind of intellectually bankrupt hand wringing, would be to maintain some kind of logical consistency. Just try.


i personally could care less about cosmetics in a video game but I do understand how others could.

Well, you don’t usually expect snowflakes in the Spring, Summer, or Fall… but in the Winter… :man_shrugging:t2:

(It’s a political Winter right now, lol.)

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Explain it. I’m still over here struggling to understand such a ridiculous obsession.

If so, what is the problem? If a group finds their representation in the game to be highly offensive then why should it not be removed?

I saw something about people wanting her skins changed and if so, then why not?

Hey. Using big words doesn’t make you seem smarter, it makes you seem like you’re trying to hard. Comparing a german that did experiments to kids and moira who experiments on herself is apparently the same. Its so sad how you think

How does one culturally appropriate their own culture? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i mean like it shouldn’t had been a spray period, anyone who’s upset at this change probably gets mad at everything the devs do. it’s not a big deal truly

i don’t think this is a race issue at all either, why can’t devs remove things like this (which purely does nothing to anyone, was used almost always in a negative way) from the game?

Complaining still persists. It just wasn’t as large as it was at the start. It’s stayed constant though.

On the flip side, if you search “McCree noose” now, you’ll find more people on the current forums complaining about its removal than the actual spray itself. That’s a whole new level of sad right there. I could at least understand where the complaints for the actual spray came from. Complaining about it’s replacement? Yeah, no.

More of in India it’s taboo to have avatars of gods-in this case Shiva- to control.

The group against the Devi/Goddess skins saw it as the case.

I think it was dropped when showing the skins are merely inspired by Shiva and that the player themselves were not playing Shiva.

Smite was under the same fire for having a similar issue, but again it wasn’t an actual depiction of Shiva in their game either. Just the aesthetics of her.

You should look up “hyperbolic”, it looks like something that might benefit you.

As to your framing of this as “preemptive action”, that’s asinine. “Constantly misinterpreted” by who? I’ve played this game since launch, I’ve not seen a soul voice any offense to the idea that a Hollywood Western themed cowboy character has a Hollywood Western themed noose spray.

The sort of person who becomes offended at that kind of thing, is the sort of person who deliberately seeks offense, and manufactures outrage - and yes, kowtowing to that sort is shortsighted, and very stupid.

Trying to protect low functioning people, who see racism and offense in every ink blot, from their own inclination to become offended at their own shadow, is a sisyphean task. I’ve watched it take hold in every medium of entertainment for more than a decade, and I’ve yet to see it better anything it touches.

Really? I’m Indian myself and I watched a ton of movies and series where gods are portrayed by actors. I myself never saw it as a big deal.

Take Mahabharata for example.

That’s funny - I copy pasted that post into the Coleman-Liau index, which rated my text as being at a ninth-grade level.

So, when the sort of people who defend this sort of nonsensical, asinine, moral hand wringing encounter writing at the level of a high school freshman…they interpret it as “using big words”, “trying to look smart”, and so on.

Tells you all you need to know, really.


this honestly isn’t saying much, you aren’t always looking at peoples threads & the forums aren’t always used by every single overwatch player

:roll_eyes: girl what

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Think it’s more of the it’s an American game doing it.

Don’t know all the details just know the biggest argument was “controlling Shiva” was the main point of the controversy.

Also I think for the actors it’s more of a portrayal, while in game you’re literally controlling and avatar.

So your assertion then is that they are offended, but in secret? How can you be sure they aren’t offended, but in secret? I think most sane, rational people would interpret people not complaining in droves about the spray to mean they don’t have a problem, but it looks like you maybe disagree.

Which part is confusing you?