Armor got nerfed two months ago, beams are getting buffed on ptr to be better against armor.
At the same time, tank busting is getting buffed and will continue to recieve buffs.
But nah, thats not enough apparently, gotta also nerf all tanks’ damage because that’s been working so well for Roadhog, he sure isn’t a liability whenever he gets picked, everyone definitely wants a threatless sack of ult charge on their team.
Meanwhile, its been a triple support meta ever since Brig killed dive. Stop throwing tanks under the bus on the forums, especially since people’s biggest gripe about GOATS is that it forces you to play this unfun role in the first place.
If tanks need to be more like tanks then they need control buffs (with might mean damage buffs) and sustain nerfs since huge healing is what makes aggressive tank plays viable. Thats why the devs nerfed armor.
Actually, i was one of those peeps before the bash and damage nerfs.
Lol, i can see what you mean there but the difference between brigitte then and dps is consistent damage, she had one piece of burst damage in her kit when using up most of her cooldowns, that’s why i never found her damage comparable.
He’s still a nuisance to have on your team, a meat shield on your team is a free ultimate battery to the enemy. It was even said by OWL casters that Roadhog is a hinderance to your team and that most if not any tank is a better choice.
His only redeeming factors are his hook n’ cook combo and that he’s a self sufficient tank. His overall design of being a meat shield combined with a self heal that gives him half his HP back so he can be even more of a meat shield just means the enemy gets their ultimates faster.
It also means that supports get less ultimate charge off their tanks because Roadhog can’t give them as much as they need, and a Support Ult is much more worth it than Whole Hog.
With the sole purpose being to remove GOATS comp from Overwatch League. It failed and since Blizzard never does anything wrong the armor nerf will remain in place.
People who play only damage dealers and dislike that tanks exist will continue to complain about tanks until they are unplayable. For some reason Blizzard is and has been, and as far as I can see will continue to appease them.
Only after double sniper for a few months, followed by Grav Dragon for a few months after that. It wasn’t until some no name, well team named GOATS in semi pro play, started playing 3/3 that the pro’s adopted this META that they themselves couldn’t figure out.
I will now and forever contend that 3/3 came about because damage is so high that for healing and tanking to compete you have to stack the deck and bring 3 of each. It just so happens that Bridgette was the catalyst to make this comp work. It was always known that to counter high damage you brought more tanks to the fight. Having 3 supports didn’t work until Bridgette was released.
Yes, tank damage nerf would be really nice.
There is basically no draw backs to playing tanks over DPS, you just gained a bunch of HP with no trade off.
It’s not just supports. It’s both classes.
He is a flat upgrade over any dps.
Even the weakest tank is a tank. Even the weakest support is a support.
The only ultimates you really need to watch out for are tank ultimates (specifically Rein and Zarya), which ironically charge extremely fast, and EMP or dragonblade. So, again, ultimates charge fast regardless for everyone but Genji who can more or less farm ANY tank.
So Hog feeding ultimate is rarely THAT big of a deal in practice. Of course, this is just my opinion. Some people out there believe Barrage is decent. Rofl. So we are totes not on the same wavelength at all.
I think tanks have enough decent counters. Plenty of DPS can melt them in seconds if they’re out of position or their barriers are down. Several abilities break shields quickly or can penetrate them. They can be knocked out of position.
Healing these days probably warrants a balance pass. With as low effort as healing is, the yield is rather massive. You can kill tanks and slaughter DPS but often times the enemy team won’t budge until the healer dies.
Ultimates are a huge factor in this game, a tank who allows the enemy to charge their ultimates faster means they will have a higher chance of winning the fight, since their ultimates will come up much more frequently than the enemies.
Genji isn’t unique in this aspect, geniunely anyone with decent range can farm tanks. Massive targets are easier to hit for any hero, so it means easier ultimate charge for every hero.
The drawback is that focus fire works at minimum 100% better against tanks then it does damage dealers. Too bad getting people to focus at all levels is like pulling teeth.
If all damage in the game wasn’t so high you wouldn’t need immense health and sustain. Each damage dealer by themselves are not enough to eliminate tank health, doubly so when pocketed by a support, but tanks cannot stay alive while being focused. Damage dealers do not want a team component to the game, so they claim each damage hero should be buffed to compensate.