Xbox Voice Chat Not Working For Overwatch

Xbox Voice Chat is not working for Overwatch. I have zero issues with any other chatting system on Xbox. Party chat works fine. But when I go into in game chat, I see people talking but cant hear them, I cant talk at all.

Please, do not link me to a thread that mods are deliberately ignoring for several months on end. I really do enjoy OW, it’s one of my favorite games. I love playing it with my friends. In fact, I bought it for another friend as well. I genuinely mean it when I say that in spite of all the little things, I really love this game. But if mods are going to close this thread and tell me to look at another thread they have been explicitly ignoring for 2/3rds of the year, then I will take it as the clear acknowledgment you don’t care about the issue.

There’s 40K views on that other thread, 300 posts, and nothing helpful from Blizzard. If you’re not gonna fix it, at least let us know so we can stop twiddling our thumbs for a year and move on.

Thank you.

They will post updates in that thread you mentioned if they have any. No new posts means no updates have been passed on to the staff that responds on the forums.

There’s a clear miscommunication happening if no one knows whats going on and people are constantly posting to check. Saying “We have no solution yet” or “We’re still working on it” is a better update then radio silence. We all purchased this game and it’s been 8 months since a feature of it is completely unusable. Im not sure why you guys arent more bothered by it when you take the flak when they refuse to be clear and open in how they communicate.

EDIT: Either tell us to move on and it cannot be fixed it or tell us whats going on. 8 months is an absurd time to wait with no update, especially with OW2 around the corner. How can most of us have faith OW2 will work in that respect when OW1 doesn’t?

I’m a volunteer here and a player like yourself. I do not work at Blizzard, so these demands won’t amount to anything from me.

I’m just letting you know why that thread hasn’t had updates from the staff, since I’ve asked about it. They’ve also said that voice chat on Xbox is working for most players, and that’s probably why it’s taking so long to track down why it doesn’t work for some players.

Fair, the tech support under your name mislead me, I suppose. I don’t mean to be abrasive/demanding either way.

I don’t think it makes sense to be so obtuse about updates. But I imagine this thread will just get ignored so I’ll leave it at that. Even so, I hope others also keep bringing this up as an issue so they don’t keep thinking being muted about this is in any way sensible. I’m 100% more frustrated by the silence than I am by the actual issue, really.


I power cycled my Xbox by holding the on button and voice chat started working again, hope this works for you