Xbox Series X low frame rate

After playing multiple games (5-10?) the fps drops on XBOX Series X.
I use performance mode, and it feels like the fps drops from 120 down to ~60 or lower.
The only way to fix it is to restart the game.


Can confirm that there are framerate issues with the 120fps mode on series x. I have an Asus monitor with an fps reporting feature and after a few games the FPS fluctuates between 70-120fps @ both 1080p and 1440. I also have a PS5 That I run at 120 as well @ 1440p and that version stays locked in at 120 in it’s entirety. I hope we get more exposure on this.


Same issue. Xbox series x here and q9nf 1440x120hz was suffering of fps drop oce you play two or more games. Is blizzard aware of this issue?


Any way to make them aware? Maybe opening a ticket?


yes me too on my xbox series x the 120fps drops to 90 or even 70 fps in games yet on ow1 no problem 120fps all the time, I don’t understand why


Same exact issue here. I play a couple matches and the framerate drops and I have to do a restart. Very frustrating


are you have to restart the game or the console itself? this is xbox series X right?


the same series x from ow1
but first game on ow2 no worries 120fps but after two or three games I have fps drops and yes I have to quit the game to restart it to have 120fps and the same after two games I lose fps and I restart the game to have 120 fps


did you turn off 4K btw?

I went to xbox settings and made sure it was set to 120 fps and then 1080P

I found out my monitor can do 4K and also 120 fps…but it has HDMI 2.0 so it can’t do them both at same time. If you have HDMI 2.1 you can do them at same time.

Regardless I set it to 120 fps and 1080P and I think things have gotten better since. Trying to run the game on 4K is a no no I think

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no i don’t have a 4k screen
I have an aoc 1440p 144hz my xbox series x I checked in the settings is well in 1440p and in frame rate well on 120fps, the game is well put in performance mode.
on ow1 in performance mode 1440p and 120fps no problem


supposedly xbox as an fps booster function that you can enable on some games, but I dont think OW is one of them

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the performance mode on ow2 is like the ow1 it’s 1440p in 120hz I’m not mistaken?

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no this function is not present
Is this a console optimization issue?
view all the bugs present on the game


This is a series x optimization issue if anything. I use my PS5 at the same settings 1440p/120hz and it maintains framerate throughout.


It’s a bug. The game drops to ~70 fps after a few matches and stays there. Restarting the game fixes it instantly.


an optimization or a patch for xbox series x would be welcome :slight_smile:


Major frame rate issues on xbsx performance mode. Only runs at 90s fps with major dips down into 10-20s. Restarting the game doesn’t fix the frame rate.


Same issue here. A reboot fixes it like other people indicated. After a few matches the das drops between 80 and 100.


Can confirm this is a present issue on both Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, restarting the game fixes it. At one point the game was running at 15-30 fps and dipping to 5 in intense fights. Absurd, I was about to lose my mind lol, but yea, definitely worth them looking into


Does anyone know if blizzard is looking into this? Would a ticket help?