Xbox Gamepass skin auto unequip

When log out and login again, some of the Xbox Gamepass bonus skin will auto unequip and returned to default skin. (Somehow Reinhardt cardboard skin doesn’t have this issues)

Skin that get auto unequip:
Dva Rosy Hanbok
Roadhog Lifeguard
Hanzo Hashimoto
Torbjorn Prospector
Echo Strawberry
Kiriko Lifeguard
Lifeweaver Lifeguarder


There are a bunch Gamepass skins getting auto unequipped also like Mei strawberry skin and a lot of them Orissa skin and others.


Yeah this is happening to me too… the Cardboard one is a ‘permanent’ one but the ones like Lifeguard are ‘temporary’. However, that shouldnt mean they auto unequip?

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Happens to me too. Unequips and removes the game pass shop skins from favourites every time I log in.

Same here. My theory is that all the temporary shop skins are added to your inventory for the one instance where you opened the game, but since they don’t stay in your inventory forever, they’re removed when you log out and readded when you log in again. Since the cosmetics were removed from your inventory, the game defaults to the OW2 original skin.


  1. The game checks if you’re using or Xbox
  2. It adds the cosmetics to your inventory while the program is running, but not to your account inventory. (The inventory that spans across Steam, PS, Xbox, Switch, etc.)
  3. You close the game, but since the cosmetics were not added to the account inventory, they are not saved on the server’s side.
  4. The server detects that you no longer have access to the equipped cosmetics, so it equips the default cosmetics
  5. When the game is launched again, the cosmetics are readded to your inventory.

This is just speculation, and I could be 100% wrong, but I feel like this is the most likely case. To fix it, I’d either grant the cosmetics to those platforms exclusively and save them to your account, or just give them to everyone who has a GamePass subscription regardless of platform and remove older cosmetics when the season changes.

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I think they didn’t consider people would want to use them often even though they are rentals or whatever so this is how it was implemented and it’s only ‘added’ to the inventory each log in. A messy system though cause I don’t want the default stuff set if I log out! I set so many skins, poses, voice lines, and emotes and then they were all changed back when I logged in again…

yeah me too it starting to get out of my nerves

This is also happening to me, it’s really annoying because every skin I’m using from the xbox pc gamepass unequips anytime the game is relaunched. It also doesn’t just unequip the skins, it unfavorites them too.

Well I found out why they keep unequipping, so apparently only the ones we get to keep don’t unequip, the 6 main hero skins. The non main skins will be rotating.

Not true. It’s a bug that they are aware of. You should be able to favourite and equip the last 3 season’s shop skins (well the select ones anyways)

Overwatch 2 Known Issues List - September 18, 2024:

I’m experiencing the same issue :confused: