Xbox gamepass benefits items issue!

I don’t know if this is a me issue on my end or lots of people are experiencing this but Whenever if you’re on Xbox console or pc xbox app with Xbox gamepass ultimate, the items you get from the benefits in game you equip them and close the game down, the items you equipped get unequipped when you relaunch the game and this happens every time. Thanks!


I have also had this issue. It only happens with the shop skins whenever i close the game

I’m also having this issue, I just submitted a ticket on the same thing. But it only does it for certain people. Like it never does it to mercy, lifeweaver, or bastion. But every time all the other skins are gone and I don’t know why. It’s super weird and very frustrating to have to re-equip them every time. :confused:

They know. They’re working on it. It’s in the top pinned post on this forum.

Ah ok, thanks for the heads up, I don’t go on blizzard forums that much and i didn’t know if they knew this was a issue so i thought I’ll post this to get answers. Appreciated!

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