X8! matchmaking diff!


33 to 4
What a record!

Just thinking my other account got banned from ranting about x5… what an amateur xD

I’m wondering about leavers penalty right now

Did that guy did the right thing? Leaving the match 4 seconds before the end?
Did he deserve a penalty?
Did he wait too long for leaving?

33 to 4

Not gonna lie, I ran this like 10 times because I still can’t believe it

Someone ask chatGPT to do the math again please. I don’t really trust humans for this sort of things. Like… we have 'em coding the matchmaking for a pvp game. lol

Didn’t you make a post yesterday ranting about losing?

Today it’s a post flexing about winning?

I havey eye on you


Hey, I want the matchmaking to be fair for everyone; not just for me when I win xD

I will pout and scribble on your face with a permanent marker.

You know why right?

Ok… why?

How can you have a name Jiglypuff and not know this bit?

I’ll let you figure it out, I’ve hinted it already.

Ok, that was good

Point to the google traditional search nowadays xD

So when we queuing for QP?

Because I am done with comp

The bar is so low that if I see a tank coming back for regroup I just assume he’s GM2 xD


I got ignored :frowning:

Probably not wrong. :rofl:

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Its just the matchmaking

Only the enemy tanks regroup xD

I got ignored twice then

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