WyomingMyst's BlizzCon blog - Adventures and Good Friends

The channels are going live!


Alright everyone, I will see all of you in the other side, keep the posts coming!


K, have fun! cries in to being able to go, but gets happy because I can watch it at home

Its happening people.

twitch chat is not surprisingly as immature as always :sweat_smile: (hits close button)

:astonished: ooo…free preview is all the way til 4pst!!!


But Daddy Jeff’s appearance is later on.

They just showed the Mythic stage in the pre-ceremony, I was trying to look for you! :laughing:


hes the dude in the front frantically typing on his phone to keep us all up to date cause hes the man


LMAO that’s amazing :laughing:

c’ya all on the other side xD

Its started.

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so…is the OW2 merch NOW available, WM? :grin:

All right everybody, I’m back. I’m headed over to the demo stations now. And we’ll try to play a quick round before the big panel at 1:30.


several things remain unclear to me - and my Twitch feed cut out for about 60 seconds while Jeff was talking - but the main question I have is: are OW and OW2 separate games (separate purchases) or simply OW is moving onto v2.0?

aside: Sorta kinda looked from the cinematic like Echo is a dps. Sojourn just about 100% looks like a dps sniper

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Let us know everything you find out about OW2! So hyped right now and can’t wait to find out what it’s all going to be about in terms of gameplay and lore, how it connects to OW1, release date/pricing, etc.

please show the new designs for everyone

Let the guy enjoy his time in Blizzcon! We will learn all about it in due time.

From what I understand, it’s a little column A and a little column B.

If im right this how it is:

-You own OW1
-With it, you will get the new PvP maps, heroes, and Push mode, just like a normal OW update weve gotten
-If you want to play the new PvE stuff, you need to buy OW2


with no offense intended, tho - was that specifically stated?