WyomingMyst no longer MVP?

No need, we saw the leaks

You are hero 35


Good for you, lad. You’ve put in a lot of work, and I’m glad they’re rewarding you for it fully.


A 24/7 moderator that can ban would be devastating. Right now the moderation is pretty laid back. These forums are going to turn into a super space where blizz is worshiped without criticism. rip

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I’m really glad things are going well for you. You’re a decent fella.


I was wondering about this myself, glad to see that he’s simply in the process of being hired by Blizzard. I only hope that he will remain as active here on the forums as he was previously, but merely gainfully employed and serving in an official capacity as a sort of Community Liaison.

Not being a direct employee does have its benefits of having a freer hand to talk to the community. I’ve heard stories that Blizzard doesn’t allow employees to make off-hand remarks and everything needs to be approved before it gets posted.

There’s certainly more freedom to offer critical feedback in public forums as a non-employee. Still, it’s better received when it’s constructive.

I think WyomingMyst has done a good job offering fair feedback over the years.

He’s been pretty impartial…I would agree

I had someone ask me if I wanted to be an mvp once and I basically said that I doubt I would have Wyoming’s impartiality (is that a word? :sweat_smile:)

I had to laugh when I read this - I was literally thinking exactly this…

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If your plans involve moving out of Wyoming, will you be changing your name? :thinking:

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WE LOVE YOU! You helped so much on these forums!!

Does this mean WyomingMyst text will evolve from green to blue :thinking:

Maybe he’ll get purple rarity text.


Only Sombra ever had that…


That would be Waaaaaay too huge for it’s own good if truth is told here.

He is evolving into his Final Form! gasp

Ok, after reading these 3 different colored posts, It looks more like good news? Or is it to comfort us after the bad news was said? Idk which way to take it right now: Betrayal or Upgrade?

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What have you been up to? This forum misses you and your leadership.

The Necromancer strikes again