Game crashes with absolutely no system error messages are a likely sign that your computer hardware may have a serious problem. These troubleshooting steps may help:
Test multiple games in a non-competitive mode. If you are still crashing, make a new topic in the technical support forum.
I wish to elaborate on the difference between the Competitive suspensions and bans versus Account Silences, Suspensions, and Bans. It is not really against the rules to ask questions, get more information about Competitive Mode suspensions or bans. This is because that is game-level protocol to remove a player from Competitive Play in Overwatch if they have been leaving Competitive Matches. There really is no harm in discussing these. In fact Blizzard encourages players to post their thoughts and feedback about how things like Competitive Leaver Penalties can be improved here on the forums.
Account Actions, on the other hand, are different, most account actions are based on behavioral decisions that significantly create a negative impact in a Blizzard game. When players intentionally work to ruin other player’s games by cheating or being disruptive, it harms everyone. The thing to understand about Account Actions is that it serves no purpose to discuss them on the forums. Doing so undermines the integrity of enforcing account actions and creates mistrust between us the players and Blizzard. Discussing account actions are against the Forum Code of Conduct.
It is against the Forum Code-of-Conduct for a person to impersonate a representative of Blizzard. It is not against the rules to politely remind other players of the Forum Code-of-Conduct and the Overwatch Posting Guidelines.
On that note, do know that I am a Forum MVP, and I do not represent Blizzard. I just wanted to drop in and chime in on these few things.