Wtf is this? 5-11 but ranked up?

Just went even 5-5 and went M3 > M1. Not to the extreme of some of these but still no expected. Somethings up for sure.


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RollinRodent - are you able to view BlueBeams URL?


We’re the same person :joy:. But I’ve fixed it:

Redditors have discovered that leaving your game gets you a rank up.
5/11 w/ a leave = rank up
5/0 w/ no leave = rank same/down

Great logic they have in the system here.


Dude, I went 3-15 on support because it kept putting me a full division above where I usually play and ranked up. No joke.


tbf it’s not all matches, I don’t know causes it but I’ve gone 5/5 without leaving and ranked up. So it’s not like you can’t rank up by winning with the bug. But yeah, they’d better fix it quickly otherwise their ranks will be even further out of wack than they already are. Any official word on this from Blizzard? Or is it just the usual ignore it and hope it fixes itself.


This must be an old bug then because the same thing happened to me in season 2 or 3. I think when you leave or dc a game it boosts your mmr by a lot so you only play vs. masters and GM’s every game.

Then even if you lose most of them it still ranks you up anyway because your mmr is high. This probably explains all of the rank inflation too. Is it finally time for a full mmr reset?


It’s definitely not old. At least I’ve never ranked up while having an abandoned match before now. It’s almost certainly been introduced on the last patch where they put a system in place to give leavers harsher punishments. In classic Blizzard style they’ve somehow done the exact opposite :joy:


I clearly remember a season before this one where I went something like 5-11 and somehow still ranked up. And I was playing against a lot of higher ranked players than myself for most of those games. And I did have a couple of dc’s as well.


There is currently a glitch where match abandons will pump your rank up but doesn’t affect your MMR. Don’t be surprised if you drop a few tiers even if you go 5-0 in your next split.


Wow, you got a source for this? Ever since season 3 I know players going up a ridiculous amount in rank compared six years of OW1… It no longer means anything it seems, yet we all still grind =(.


None of you are on my level, I got banned and then unbanned and ranked up two tiers :sunglasses:


I’ll raise you 5-13 with 3 abandons xD Gm5 to Gm4


It’s too late for that.

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I uninstalled last week because I was deranking with a winning record. It’s nice at least to know it’s actually broken, but god Blizzard just continues to embarrass.

Maybe this will wake them up a bit that completely obscuring information from people isn’t the best strategy…but probably not.

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It’s possible to rank up even with a negative win-loss record, as the competitive ranking system takes into account various factors beyond just wins and losses. These factors can include individual performance, the skill rating of the opposing team, and even the personal performance of players in past seasons.

Additionally, if you were previously performing well and ranking up consistently, losing a few games may not have had a significant impact on your overall skill rating. It’s also possible that your individual performance in those games was strong enough to offset the losses and result in a net positive change in your skill rating.

However, keep in mind that the competitive ranking system can be complex and opaque, and there may be other factors at play beyond what is immediately apparent. It’s always a good idea to focus on playing to the best of your ability and improving your skills, rather than obsessing over rank fluctuations.

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No, they completely abandonded this and that is why it is all so strange. They explicitely stated they only look at wins and losses now. A large win streak will give raise the SR won per match significantly. I was also baffled at this and this is why some people seem to go well and beyond the SR they have been for years on end now. You just have to have a few lucky streaks and the system launches you right where you don’t belong.

Source and some more info is in this reaction I made a while back. @Blizzard before it dies - #6 by Sapulidi-2843


Because Blizzard programmed a dumb matchmaking algorithm and this is why people are at the ranks they don’t belong. Gotta live with it until they fire the guy in charge of the matchmaker.

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I’m guessing this is the new harsher punishment for leavers, just done the wrong way. So does this mean when working as it should have, you disconnect or leave a match your rank goes down, but your MMR remains the same? If that’s the case it’s not much of a punishment…

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Leave it to Blizzard to figure out a way to demote players who go on winstreaks and promote players for disconnecting from matches. I wish I were surprised.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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