WTF is matchmaking right now

I understand it’s the start of the season but good lord. It started off great, great games and everything, then we started with the win loss win loss trend and now 9 losses in a row all stomps every game my team has gone 4-18 meanwhile enemy team is going 24-3 my last 2 games my tank had 0 kills the entirety of the match had an ana that only had 1.2k heals (mostly dpsing) . Every game has been 0-2/0-3 teams cant do anything or dont wanna do anything. Legitimately i do not understand what is going on, even at the end of last season my games were not this atrocious. Every game I am avoiding people left and right its so bad. Right now as this point it feels like blatant sabotage by the matchmaker, I have never seen so many 1 sided matches ever


They moved the delta again. Whatever that means. First few games felt good for me this season, but I’ve only played a handful so I haven’t hit the mess yet (JLab has me, it is a good mode).

So it sounds like the delta is broken, not updating correctly, or hitting contagion quickly. By contagion I mean a stat that is incorrectly affecting games and destabilizing the matchmaker on each game. For example, on one “infected” game 10 players are infected with a skewed result - then the next game by each of those 10 compounds out further potentially pushing now 100 players out of whack, then the next game by those 100 compounds further now pushing 1000 players out of whack etc etc.

So quickly people are being boosted and bogged. Whee.


it gave me like 3 good matches, like fair, win or lose

then crapped the bed so hard amber heard was jealous

almost blizzard, you almost did 1 good thing lol


The reason matchmaking is so out of sync is because not enough cheaters are getting banned to retain it’s balance, Once a proper Anticheat is active then the game will match up more accurately.


I’m impressed how often I was placed on South American and Chinese servers during prime time.



Stop being such a clown

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What can i say i joined this circus just like you.

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Forreal tho! Im like okay great the matches are going good/decent to just hard core losses outta no where and im just like why??? Ive also been noticing a lot of priv endorse lvl 1 doom/widow 1 tricks not switching or just feeding or a lot of profiles with like 6 hours in comp and only played since last season


From my experience so far thats a load of bs. I have never seen such major skill diffs between the dps and tanks every game like i have right now, no way in hell are these players “closely” matched


They ‘believe’ and have ‘thought about’ it.
Maybe they should start playing their own game to experience the effects of their mental outpourings in real life, rather than just on paper.


I need to praise you NightKnight, you found something on the forums!

What value does it have? When you win how does it change? If it is the range between you and the opposite player in your role, how far is that range? Is it based of SR or mmr?

But most importantly - is it verifiably not glitched since they spagettied some more code to change it?

You are right. This (retail patch notes) is what they should be doing. However, the gaming experience proves otherwise.


What your describing has been my experience every season of existence in Overwatch. The matchmaker is completely rigged/broken whatever you want to call it. Don’t worry, after you lose enough it will put you on an ez win streak to make you feel better and convince you things are “normal” again, but you’ll pay the loss streak toll soon enough so they can let other people be on a win streak.

Worst matchmaking ever.


Im 100% with you there, back in overwatch 1 i was high plat/low diamond on supp, but when OW2 came out I hit mid plat for maybe like 2 seasons then after that Ive been in low to mid gold purgatory and have struggled to get out, feels like no matter what I do I always have major losses that are completely outta my control as described in the post. Some of them are partially my fault of course but a lot of them are due to others poor performance or not caring, end of last season i finally was able to get back into plat did fine then got thrown into a loss streak and dropped back down to mid gold and now im slowly climbing up once again


That was a lie.


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I like it when one tank is Diamond 5 and the other tank is Silver 1.

You can guess the quality of that “match” pretty easily.


I thought they already tried that like 5 seasons ago and it didnt solve anything

I’m glad to hear this sort of phenomenon isn’t just happening to me. I often get placed on either las1 or ams1. Las Vegas and Amsterdam respectively. My closest server is ord1 – Chicago.

In the interest of quick matchmaking I guess they’ve lost interest in making sure that people maintain a ping that’s under 118-140.

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The Chinese server really threw me off. For anyone interested, the ping is 360 for anyone living in the East Coast.

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