Wrecking ball what is he good for?

Absolutely nothing.

How the hell do you play wreckingball in comp?

He seems so hard to play without feeding like mad.

He seems more of a main tank, but I am not sure when he’s a better pick than Winston or reinhardt,

He seems good on payload and oasis, but very poor on 2cp?

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He gets more value than meets the eye. You can’t really main him though, because the second you’re doing well, someone will switch to Sombra and make you more than useless.

  • Boop main tanks all over
  • Lead dive into a team using your big health from shield and slam damage
  • Swap off when the enemy picks one of your hard counters

Because the Hamster is the most terrifying tank.


Have you ever played against a Hammond without a brig or sombre on your team, he is completely broken.

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He’s the squishiest tank in the game by far due to the fact that he’s vulnerable to CC.

Despite being the highest-skill character in the game, many low skill requirement abilities kill him virtually instantly like Hack, Flashbang + FTH, etc.

That, combined with how he’s being gutted by way of the tank nerfs, means that you have a recipe for an utterly terrible, ‘situational’ (i.e. never used) character. In a game with so few tanks, ‘situational’ tanks should never exist.

He needs a few things:

More damage on his M1, from 5 to 7 or even 8 per shot.
(OR more damage on his Piledriver- 100 to 125, OR more damage on his Grappling Hook- 50 to 75)

More armour so that shotguns, Tracer, and Sombra don’t shred him as easily.

Instant cast on E instead of having an animation.

These would all help him greatly.

He’s a hero that’s barely decent if he’s not counterpicked, but if he is counterpicked he becomes incredibly terrible. Also, you don’t need a Brig or a Sombra. Ana (who’s in every game), Zenyatta, McCree and Reinhardt (if Rein has support and hits the initial charge) can take him down relatively easily.

Not to mention the fact that he, like Doomfist, is able to accidentally kill himself by virtue of his abilities being broken.

Highest skill how? by pressing left click and knocking the enemies about like skittles lol. Without running a countet he is a free win everytime, opposite of barely good completely broken, who at blitz thought this level of CC and disruption were a good idea, doomfist 2.0

Yes, his left click with insane amounts of spread doesn’t require aim at all. Positioning yourself in order to roll over the enemy in the best way possible while also trying your best not to be CC’d doesn’t take skill. Having to time your abilities just right in order to make sure you don’t accidentally fling yourself to your death doesn’t take skill. Having one of the biggest hitboxes in the game but still having to dive into the enemy team with zero protection aside from your offtank is easy.

I was diamond and reached masters OT Hammond.

Hammond is the BEST initiation tank. Excels at creating space for Genji’s or even setting up plays with McCree, Ashe, Hanzo with his Piledriver. He is the only tank that can be played as an off tank or main tank. He dismantles Rein/Zarya/Orisa foramtions.

Good Hammonds will ult behind the main tanks and into the support line creating a “sandwich” in which your team can push from the front whie the enemy tanks get backed into minefield, OR the minefield kills the supports outright.

Hammond is good dawg. Dont underestimate him


The single problem that holds Hammond back: Almost anything can kill his momentum.

Going at mach 10 towards the enemy team ? booped by Lucio
Rolling like a mad hammster through their defenses ? Rein’s hammer stop you completely on a single swing.
Roleplaying as Sonic ? Mei grazes you with her LMB and Hammond stops dead on its tracks.

The fact that there are so many ways to stop him, that McCree can kill you on a single combo and cancel your combo (which is full of wind-ups) and that your guns are pea-shooters make him really crappy against 90% of the roster.

Kiting, Messing up Positioning, and bullying Healers in the backline.

What about Winston??

Winston is way more of a main tank. But I can see you’re where coming from

It’s just smash team about, slam squishes, shoot, shield. Rinse and repeat. Not high skill whatsoever. You probably jumped 1000sr from one tricking so no doubt u will defend it

Rolls right through teams set up behind barriers and isn’t scared of anything, except maybe Sombra.

Also awesome at removing teams from high ground and is a constant threat on maps with pitfalls.

He’s a disruption tank that excels at getting in, causing a distraction and displacing the enemy team quite a lot. Which then gives room for your team to move in.

His ult is a great area denier and can force an enemy team away or into one more localized spot

I’ve been in my current SR range for every season since 4, but okay.

What is high skill to you?

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By the way, do you think Hammond could use some buffs?

I had these in mind, but honestly I don’t play much Hammond.

Tracer, dva and widow are all the hardest heroes for different reasons

I think he’s already pretty strong. Faster reload in ball form will just mean theres no point in normal reloading