Wrecking Ball is a throw pick

we asked for a tank and got hammond…


Sombra is pretty equal when it comes to disrupting D.va or Wrecking Ball, but yeah the slow interaction with the momentum mechanic is absolutely disgusting and they are probably going to have to let Grapple ignore the slow interaction the same way Boosters does - incidentally Symmetra poses similar problems.

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It takes two seconds to roll away and come back with the momentum needed. There is no such thing as a “troll pick” as each hero is circumstantially useful.

I think the problem is people are still getting used to his playstyle. The bad Hammond’s I keep seeing are trying to 1v6 the enemy team, and that never works. You have to flank and attack when the enemy is distracted already with the front battle, and people aren’t doing that.

He also requires a lot of skill to play him well, so naturally, there’s a ton of bad players on him at the moment because of the high-skill cap and the fact he’s still very new. Out of all my games last night that had a Hammond, only one of them was good and he was doing a fantastic job zoning out the objective and disrupting the healers and tanks.

Tanks never carry a team, but they can be a huge contributing factor to why the team won if played properly. This concept still applies to hamster boi.


He’s an odd character in the sense that Adaptive Shields and Piledriver encourage you to overextend into the enemy team, but the better strategy is to isolate an enemy player like any other dive tank. I wonder if Blizzard designed him that way in order to encourage enemy teams to take CC, so that they’re less able to deal with long range DPS from a team vs team perspective?

The issue isn’t whether or not he can do work for me, but whether or not he can take the place of any of the existing characters on a team.

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As of right now, I’d say no. But I can see him getting some numbers tweaks here. I am tired of the game implementing high skilled heroes, that then never get picked because they overall suck in a team setting. E.g. Ana now, Sombra, Doomfist. Solid characters, but hard to learn and very easy to replace.


HAHA WOW. Im sorry I don’t use thrusters as an offensive, damaging attack because maybe I just like using them how they were intended. D.Va’s weapons being better? Pfft. Ok. How much time do you think D.Va spends in her best range without dying? The answer is not much. Most of it is spent regrouping. And no, as WB you don’t need to go in the backline, shield, get out, go back in, shield, get out, etc. ONE DIVE and I will repeat this ONE DIVE happens in a single fight. Not 2, not 3, ONE. If you dive, get out, then dive again then the fight is already over and now your’e feeding. You think he isn’t good cus your feeding with him? Nice contradiction there. The Reload time could be smaller, but if it was that would just bust the game. Being able to 1 clip a Zarya at max range? The reload isn’t the problem. Your not poking with WB. You regroup, dive, get out, and regroup. No Long range poke and reload. Genji’s reload is 1.5 seconds but thats not a problem is it? And about this Winston and Zarya bubble comparison? Zarya brawls, WB doesn’t, so you can’t conpare those two at all. Winston’s bubble comes up once a fight, so does Wrecking Ball’s, theres no difference. ONE DIVE, not 3, finishes a fight, so idk why you keep saying the cooldown matters, bc by the time your team regroups it back up again. You also don’t need the shields all the time. Sometimes you might swing up and piledrive the tanks to make them easier for your team to kill. No shields needed. Body blocking again? Try putting your grapple higher up on the wall. Big things happen, including this thing called full speed where you damage and cc them. Not sure if you knew that. And good god man if roll displaced enemies. You need to think about why that might break the game for a second. An instant cc without a cooldown? Man just use your couple of brain cells for a second.

Thats why new comps are devoloped. You can’t play WB like Winston or D.Va, it would just fail. WB would make a new type of dive, not just make the already op dive better. If WB was better than D.Va then what happens to D.Va?

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Wow, you really are just an illiterate native speaker who can’t even form grammatically correct sentences, use basic punctuation or admit to his own mistakes?

You never use D.va’s Boosters to dive enemy targets and think dive characters only need to fight one engagement during a team fight, are you just trying to troll me right now or are you really that ignorant? “Regroup, dive, get out and regroup” is you directly contradicting yourself about only one dive being necessary …

You’re not poking with Wrecking Ball when he has the most accurate weapon and least fall off damage of all the tanks?

How do you one clip a Zarya at maximum range given spread and fall off damage, and how is that remotely relevant to anything that I’ve said at any point?

Of course Genji’s reload isn’t a problem, BECAUSE it’s 1.5 seconds …

if the Adaptive Shields cooldown doesn’t matter, then why not reduce it so it’s more on par with other defensive abilities?

Do you not understand that you’re continuously undermining your own arguments with your very comments?

Do you understand what body blocking is, and do you comprehend that the vertical angle of the Grapple has nothing to do with the gap you have to have in order to build any momentum when your enemy is standing right next to you?

Who said anything about an instant cc without a cooldown, I said displace and not knockback enemies for a reason - it’s the difference between you nudging a teammate out of the way with your own character model and Soundwaving an enemy off the map, all I want is that nudge applied to enemy character models.

Why do you take everything I say completely out of context in order to make it sound outrageous? Are you so completely devoid of any legitimate argument or basic understanding of your god given language that you can’t even make a point vs someone who had to learn it his second. Really how low do you need to stoop to try (and fail) to save face?

Go back to school kid.

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To the OP:

There is no such thing as a throw pick

Characters do not throw

Players throw

And they can do so with any character


Displace means cc. Are you dumb.

You forgot a comma after punctuation and a period after Wow because that is an onomatopoeia.

When at full speed you can’t be body blocked. Simple as that. Im sorry you don’t understand.

And stop trying to pull the pity party of “Oh this isn’t my native language.” Try it in French, but I doubt you’re gonna make any more sense.

Im typing on my phone. There’s going to be typos. Learn to deal and try to make your argument instead of saying that I can’t type.

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I love It how you can run them over, go past their backline and consume all the nearby healthpacks all the while being chased by their flanker, watching the shots miss you, and run them over again pushing them into your team, all in a matter of seconds XD

I’m not going to pretend like I know how he is in comp because I haven’t played it with him yet, but I do suspect he’s going to be a terrible pick 90% of the time, given my QP time with him.

He feels like one of those characters who is hard to get value out of unless you have a team that has actually scrimmed and practice plays with him beforehand. Basically an OWL character.

Displace means exactly what I meant it to mean - show me a single wiki where the word displace is listed as a form of crowd control as opposed to knockback.

The last item in a list does not need to be separated by a comma, nor does an onomatopoeia need to be followed by a period - there is a difference between grammatical errors and stylistic syntax. I didn’t say that you can’t type, I said that you don’t understand basic English … again with the reading comprehension problem. I’m not trying to hide behind English being my second language, because I can actually communicate in the language as opposed to your incoherent rambling.

The problem isn’t whether or not Grapple can’t be blocked at full speed, because it can’t be, the problem is that you can’t reach full speed while being body blocked … really how dense are you?

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Are you literally trying to say that knocking someone back isn’t displacing them.

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Knockback displaces by definition, but displace does not knockback by definition.

If you mean Roll shouldn’t be body blocked but it instead should slightly push people trying such aside, that’s fair enough.

Also consider the possibility that you are being trolled.

Crowd Control is defined as anything that can influence of change your enemy’s position or actions. So yea. Displacememt would be crowd control.

Yes it does. It’s called an Oxford comma, and you really shouldn’t argue with a writing teacher. I think after 6 years of college I might know what I’m talking about.

Getting body blocked? How about back up, grapple, and go forward. It’s amazing.

Body blocking isn’t even a problem for Hammond. Do you think the enemy team is just going to stand in your way shooting while your team shoots them in the back? No. I get body blocked maybe twice a game. Its not a huge deal.

Reading comprehension problem? How dense can you be? Remember when I said you weren’t allowed to imply that I may have a disability because some people might find it rude and child-like? Grow up.

He is a high skill hero, it’s not for everyone but a good Hammond can do a ton of work. It’s really difficult to stop a good Hammond from pile driving and if he has his ult he is one of the best tanks to create mayhem into an enemy team. His guns are not super strong but that is perfectly fine, he is a tank, remember? He is fast, he is mobile, he can be very annoying if played good, i think he is great but you just have to be good at him cause he is one of the highest skill characters in the game.


I advice you to edit your language before the mods ban you, that is if you care at all. There is no need to insult others just because they don’t share your opinion.

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