Map pools removed, hero bans in line with the overwatch league and no longer random and now Competitive classic for everyone who misses it. Oh and they are taking horizon and paris out of the rotation. Today is a fantastic day.
Making 222 optional doesn’t mean anything if the game is still balanced for 222.
And they released Echo, the character everyone was hoping for! Oops…
Four out of five is pretty good, right?
If she cuts into rienhardt and shakes up the meta I would be happy. I’ll give them 4.5
They always have, people are just either dumb or entitled.
That’s not true. In fact, I’d argue that free roles can lead to comps that would demolish 2 2 2 comps.
I, for one, am interested in playing a Comp where I flex at will.
Except Reinhardt is banned this week, and everyone is going to play her like crazy, so she gets banned next week. They’ll be part of alternate ban metas.
Would be hilarious if that actually came to pass.
Comp Classic is here, it’s actually here
she won’t be in comp for 2 weeks sadly. I wanted to try out my sigma, ball, echo, sombra, mercy brig strat. Sadly no dice but soon.
The devs don’t listen at all. Since the PTR release of the Echo update, Genji’s dash has been broken. The game moves your crosshair for you, the animation is wack and ghost dash is broken. People have been saying it on the PTR bug for the longest and Blizzard didn’t even change it when it’s been in the game for over a month. Genji is unplayable right now.
How so? They’ve clearly made balance changes with 222 in mind. Removing the locks but leaving balance as is means that they haven’t even attempted to balance for an unlocked gamemode.
I’m not willing to play a mode that they haven’t even attempted to balance.
Reinhardt will be rebanned by then. Expect him to be banned every other week since he’s the only functional anchor tank.
Out of curiosity: do hero bans affect Comp Classic, too?
wait hold on what? come again?
This post makes zero sense to me, if its balanced for 2-2-2, does that mean 3-3, 1-2-3 comps and any other dont work? Nothing says so, what comp do you want to play that is unbalanced? Solo tank zarya? I really don’t see how balance is needed to make this game-mode viable. If your saying that you wanna play unlocked comp but have every comp viable then I’m sorry but thats not happening. The devs gave people what they want when it came to comp classic.
Look in the Arcade. (Close down the game and reload if it’s not there.)
now im excited. they really listened
Well he has a high chance to be banned but from my understanding most tanks can be banned because its random. They don’t just pick the most played tank, there is rng.
Isnt it 6v6 elimination? Thats not the same thing as classic competitive.
EDIT: Nm i was going based on the arcade twitter since i wasn’t at my PC. They just didnt have the proper icon for it.
The main concern is that with 222 in place, Actiblizzion didn’t have to balance around more than two of the same role stacking abilities together with little counter (like GOATS did with HP and healing).
They also toned down the ‘tank counters’, as with 222 tanks didn’t have the ability to switch out and counterpick those classes.
Remove 222, or obviously balance with open roles as the main mode, and you’ve got me back as a playing customer.