Wow, patch notes are so big and impactful

How about half the cast still in f tier


Is this confirmed?

I have to agree that the game is in a pretty balanced state and I wouldn’t be suprised if this is true.

Yes, Big Daddy Jeff Kaplan said in an interview that they were in a “wait and see” place with the balance change and don’t want to tweak any heroes just yet (presumably until the meta settles or players stop playing).

Summer’s coming, so don’t expect anything huge until then.


Name the heroes, I want names.


Well Bastion is easily replaceable in Bunker so he’s kinda eh.


Bastions in a great place with all these bunker comps,

Sym is very good in certain situations but needs a TP buff if anything,

Mei is very good, i been playing her alot recently with lots of success

Pharah is in an awkward position but imo doesnt need changes, just dont play her against good hitscans or play more smart with her

Dno about junkrat personally

brigitte will probably get reworked into 2 2 2.


But if bastion is dead, and there are a lot of ways to kill him. Like pick mei-hog. Mei lift bastion with the wall, hog hooks him and he dies. And there are easier ways.

Symm isn’t that great because all her actions are delayed and TP is good only in coordinated comps, otherwise - near useless.

Mei is more of annoying and flawed. IMO, her slow need to be a bit lower (like up to -70 or 75%, not up to 99%) and cryofreeze to be changed to be like 3 seconds but still heal for 150 hp for whole duration.

Pharah can be changed out of awkward position.

Junkrat is terribly inconsistent even after speed buff. His mines aren’t that good, his trap is easy to deal with and Junkrat himself now is more of a noob stomper than actually good hero.

Also, my personal opinion:
there are some examples what i want to be at least partially implemented:
[Sooo, total balance rework?]

Thats called counterplay and any counter requiring coordination from at least 2 team mates is fair imo. Also a dva can DM the bastion or Baptiste can save him maybe.

I find her TP useful even if my whole team doesn’t utilize it but maybe they should buff it so the team are more aware of it and maybe it last longer.

I think shes in a bad place on pc but as long as pharmercy exists she will always be a good pick on console even with the hitscan creep. I would say she needs a bit more mobility in air to help her on PC but it would make her probably too good on console so i dno how they can improve her tbh

I think shes fine tbh doesnt get seen much at higher ranks and punishes people with bad positioning at lower ranks. Shes a good pick against very problematic tanks also (dva, hog, hammond)

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I can’t believe the loading times still aren’t fixed.

Yes let’s wait and see if Symmetra will magically get better without buffing her. It’s not like she’s hasn’t been low tier since launch.

they’ve already fixed all unintended for reaper to teleport locations

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Bunker comp in every match.


I believe the loading time for comp games is intentional; on PC for instalocks getting nerfed (hopefully encourages better comps) and for console model load-in times.

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it’s because they are releasing something big near the 23rd I heard onto ptr but that’s speculation/information that probably isn’t accurate… we can only hope it is.

Is there a source for this?

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Path Notes: we have given up trying to nerf goats. Tanks and supports are too strong, there’s nothing we can do to get rid of it.

It’s not remotely intentional

( Longer time to load into competitive game - #6 by OrangeLion-11503 )


[25 characters]

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I get a feeling Classic WoW will die off fairly fast as well, it’ll be fun for a while sure… But after your 3rd alt it’ll be a brutal chore to level and modern WoW players aren’t really social enough to pug groups in /shout.

The biggest issue is much of that community wont come back and I fear the modern community will flood it.