Wow! omg! pink mercy is officially returning! letter of bcrf

I think you might want to check the last four words of your post, Disco. You have things backwards, which I don’t think was your intention.


I hope you will return, after some time to cool down

There are causes worth fighting for, and I think this is one of them

Sad to say, but there will always be those who will accuse you, and others like you, of spamming this topic. To minimize those accusations (youll never be rid of them entirely, not here) simply keep one such topic alive for as long as you can and when it goes idle wait at least a week before starting a new one, and always write it from scratch, no cutting and pasting. and dont attack WM :slight_smile:

Pink Mercy can and will return when Blizzard deems fit, no matter how many forum members insist it can not and/or will not happen

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They literally made several threads about the same thing within days of each other. All of them got a response from WyomingMyst.

WM is permitted, same as all of us, to respond to anything he wishes…so I see no issue there.

I’ve advised (as a fellow forum member, not as anyone with any authority, since I of course have none) the OP to allow more time between such posts and to not copy/paste them

sad thing is, in nearly every Pink Mercy thread, there are those who will decry the thread as spam even when it clearly isnt. Because of the unwritten rules about necro’ing posts, threads on the same topic not only can be repeated but SHOULD be repeated in order to continue conversation. If the unwritten policy against necro’ing every goes away, we can talk about having one thread for every conceivable topic. But we ain’t there at the moment :slight_smile:

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how about a prostate awareness one? wait men dont fit the narrative…

So blizzard isnt getting sued by the state of california?

Why is it bad to bring back the event? We have literally nothing to lose, be it for selfish reasons just for the skin or you genuinely want to donate to charity, 100% of the money goes towards Breast Cancer Research, so really why is it bad that people want it back?


Women are not harassing Blizzard, they are holding Blizzard accountable for their inaction of the harassment they have received.


Blizzard, noun, women harassing, descriptive adjective.

I’d say due to the company’s PR at the moment, it probably wouldn’t come off as anything other than superficial. Right now, this company isn’t synonymous with pleasant views in the eyes of the public, and understandably so.

That makes total sense, maybe once they sort themselves out they could eventually start doing things like this then

actually, many companies looking to improve their public image – and imo Blizzard should be doing so atm – turn immediately to more and/or bigger charitable acts as part of the plan

said another way, they can do such things now, and if I were their PR head I’d be calling for such things to be done immediately

It’s time for pink DVa!

Oh, wait

They still can participate. You don’t need a skin to have an excuse to do so

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although this is certainly true, it misses the point

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The problem is that when you sell something under a premise and then decide to ignore that premise you have effectively engaged in a deception that means no one can trust you again.

Now I suspect there was carve out language to avoid false advertising somewhere in the buy screen that I, and no one else, didn’t bother to read to avoid legal issues, but you cannot as a company sell something promising one thing and then do something else completely different.

It would appear that the moderators merged the threads. Sadly they picked one with a misleading title.

it is sad but i do wish it would make a return so i could have a chance to get it on pc and on switch if i decide to play support


imagine the good PR they get…

and then they get to brag how great their community is for raising millions of dollars again