Wouldn’t 6v6 be easier instead of this balance patch?

Yes it did. This is a flatly false statement. 2-2-2 had to be implemented because they added Moira with Biotic Grasp and Brigitta with Inspire to the game which enabled multiple (by which I mean three plus) tank comps with extreem levels sustain from the supports. Note that 2-2-2 did fix the problem of five damage heroes and a Mercy comps throwing away games in Quick Play and Competative but that’s a different discusstion.

If Moira’s healing was sigificantly reduced while trying to heall anyone other than her primary target and Brigitta was reworked to remove inspire and heal primarily though current repair pack then we wouldn’t have need 2-2-2 (although as mentioned above it was a nice quality of life change for less coodinated game play settings like public Quick Play and Competative games).

The global shield HP nerf wouldn’t have needed to have happened with the double shield meta if Baptiste hadn’t been introduced with massive area of effect healing and an Ulitmate Ability for an Ability Two in Immortality Field.

At every turn this has been a support problem and not a tank problem and at every turn, Blizzard has changed the format to try and fix a design problem because for some reason they simply don’t want to address the issue with problematic support hero designs.

This is further evidence with the most recent changes where Kiriko’s Protection Suzu and Lifeweaver’s Lifegrip can sustain tanks even further. Just like Immortality Field, Protection Suzu should be Kiriko’s ultimate and Lifegrip should be a skill shot with a significantly reduced cooldown.

It’s deeply frustraighting when the solution to the problem is obvious but the balance team seems to continuously ignore them in favour of format changes which don’t really help to solve anything.