Would you rather your mains get a mythic weapon or skin

Mythic weapons and mythic skins both have their advantages. Of your 1-3 most played or favorite on each role that don’t already have a mythic, would you rather them get a weapon or skin first?

For me its:


  • Winston - weapon - I like winston being a gorilla and his weapon will probably turn him into some kind of monster since they do that a lot with winston
  • D.va - skin - I don’t see how they could give her a weapon since it’s so tied to her mech
  • Ram - Skin - they could probably give him a cool staff as a weapon, but I think his mythic needs to get nemesis form involved as well


  • Echo - skin - I don’t see how they could make mythical arms
  • Sombra - weapon - she already has a ton of skins I love but on a lot of them her weapon is just kinda meh, like marionetta. Though I would still hope for some custom hack effects even though the hack isn’t really tied to her gun
  • Torbjorn - weapon - I just want a mythical turret, you get that either way but a dedicated weapon version would probably be cooler.


  • LW - skin - his gauntlet weapon thing is just kinda lame. Plus he’s newer so could use more skins
  • Brig - weapon - I don’t think any skin will ever make me unequip goat, but you could probably convince me to equip a mythic mace on it
  • Illari - either - I don’t have a strong opinion here

Not counting my favorites that have mythics…

  • Queen’s out, so…
  • Roadhog: Skin. His new skins lately have chunky guns that take up a lot of screen estate, so I’d rather we keep it to one skin if it’s gonna be like that.
  • Ramattra: Skin. Deserves it. Has been left in the dust for skins and stuff lately.


  • Echo: Skin, for sure. Mainly because I have a hard time conceptualizing just arms like in your post.
  • Junkrat: Skin would be nice, but I could settle for either. Would generally like to see more cosmetic love for Rat.


  • Ana’s out, too…
  • Lucio: Skin, no doubt. It’ll be the one chance we get to have a Lucio skin with different music ever since Jazzy.
  • Zenyatta: Weapon. Some of his latest skins just aren’t appealing to me, and I’d hate for his mythic to fall in that line too.
  • Brigitte: Weapon. Medic skin with mythic weapon? Oh yeah…

The only characters are care about are ironically among the only members of the cast that you can see the skin in third person. Reaper and Reinhardt. Despite that, I still prefer the idea of mythic weapons. I am happy that Reinhardt was the first to get one and I would appreciate if Reaper got a sick mythic weapon during the Egyptian season…

Mythic Weapon skin allows you to equip on any hero skin.
But you can’t equip the weapon from mythic hero skin onto any other hero skin.

A skin, because they basically come with mythic weapons already.


Mythic skins have more effort put into them and they already have weapon skins unique to them.

Tracer already has a skin, but I’d rather a second Mythic skin honestly. The cool part of outfits is the gun. Why wear Nezha if not to watch those sick guns one clip people? Homogenizing your guns sounds odd to me.

When I play a character, the weapon is what I see.

If the weapon we get is cooler than the skin, I’d rather that. If the skin is cooler, I’d rather that.

If I were to choose between Ashe’s Mythic and Reinhardt’s Weapon Skin (assuming I played both equally), I’d probably go for the weapon skin since it’s effects are way cooler than what the Ashe player can see (Dynamite, Gun, BOB).

It would depend upon how well the art team does the design.

The first mythic weapon skin is nice, but so was Mythic skin Genji.

After that the mythics have been hit or miss, and some just fell off quickly like Ana and Orisa.

It’s a wait and see for me.

Well, they shouldn’t be separate in the first place and quite a few of the Mythics have been sucking, but…gotta go with the full skin.

The issue with weapon skins is that everything Blizzard has done since the OG gold weapons have been very niche and don’t match with the vast majority of skins. Rein is probably better off than most heroes since cuz armor and a lot of them being pretty neutral color-wise, but most hero skin sets aren’t going to get much outta a Mythic weapon.

Zarya has trash skins (okay okay, I honestly do like a few of them), but I think they could make really cool mythic weapon for her.

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Turret should be gold or green with the hammer and gun.

My favourite mains already got mythics and let´s say I was hoping for better. Kinda hate Moira´s one, Mercy is kinds “meh”, Ashe looks fine I guess…

Weapon, since she already has a skin (and I need it to be even more obvious that I am unhealthily invested in a snarky polygon).

I wish I could use the snake gun from Zarya’s Lunar NY skin on other skins. It seems wasted there.

Skin in any case. it is not even a competition. Skins will always be superior even if they are just recolors.