Would you complain about Mei if

People (mostly) don’t complain about her tanking when she’s not a tank though, they complain about how she kills them or at least how fighting against her feels.


I’m not against at turning her a tank, but I do think she is more about defending an area instead of taking an area.

There would be quite some changes needed imo.

It’s the longest cc that isnt an ult.
And totally immobile

Just ban Mei for a whole season, even ban reinhardt for a full season.

mei’s a pretty defined off-tank in every way other than she doesn’t meet the arbitrary tank health threshold. she demands space because otherwise you’ll be frozen and destroyed (which also allows her to peel), she can lockout areas of the map with ice wall and blizzard, and she can self-peel with ice block.

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No. Multifreeze (and maybe her primary as a whole) needs to go regardless of what role she is in

if you’re a zero-mobility hero who got that close to mei then you deserve to be sent back to spawn. if you have mobility you get away from the beam nearly every time unless you’re greedy.



I honestly dgaf

I was only stating why people hate mei

I think she’s fine so

Not sure why you went down this path to begin with, totally side tracked the OP

Her size does not need altering unless it’s to her waistline. She’s a fat character, but a lot of her skins hide that because fat characters are considered visually unappealing but also unhealthy. Giving her wider hips or breasts would only encourage sexualization of her character– which is what everyone wants, but not what we need.

No, I would not complain if she was a tank. I think it would be an interesting concept and I’d like to see how they would handle it.

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Summer Törbjorn and Roadhog would like to say otherwise!

If they did actually make her a tank they’d probably just make her wear more clothes, I doubt they’d want to make one of their poster girls obese!

There’s no problem with an obese poster girl, and I’d encourage the team to make Mei appear fatter like she was originally meant to be.

Roadhog and Törb are joke characters that are already considered conventionally unattractive, so they can get away with making them fat and ugly without punishment.

I personally wouldn’t care either but I feel like if they did want to add an overweight character who isn’t cartoonishly proportioned then they’d make a new hero completely instead of just making an already existing character bigger! Also people would probably just say they’re “pandering” to SJW’s like with Soldier since apparently you can’t have diversity without trying to look good :roll_eyes:


She just shouldnt be in the game. Best week of comp was when she wasnt in it.

Mei’s problem is that people don’t like to lose control of their hero. They want to play and Mei takes that away from them. Ana sleep is the same but is not on permanent left-click. Sombra too is designed for nothing else but to spoil someone’s fun in playing their hero. Blizzard is aware of this (Jeff has said so) but are not doing enough to fix it.

There is too much noise with people complaining about minor CC (minor compared the sleep, freeze, hack) and because of all the complaining those are getting the attention. But in reality any CC that lasts longer than about 1 second needs to be removed to make the game more fun and having less tilting moments. These abilities are all negative for the game overall.

Her wall is also problematic because it puts you in a position that you are effectively out of control of your situation when it is used to separate you so you can be focused. There is a feeling of helplessness inherent to this which is very unpleasant.

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Mei isn’t even good on ladder anymore, why still all this?

Because she’d need to get nerfed below Bastion tier before OWL pros stop using her as a Third Tank.

This might be interesting though.


All her problems boil down to her being a tank in the dps slot, therefore allowing triple tank in forced 222. GOATS and it’s predecessor triple tank showed us how 3 tanks are the most effective form of winning the game because of sustain, since time is the most valuable resource in Overwatch. Therefore she would be fixed when moved because then triple tank would no longer exist and the game would become balanced because of it.

I would also suggest the wall uptime be reduced to 3s. That is enough to serve the purpose of separating a tank for focusing but not too much to have it clog a choke while everyone has to focus it.

chubby people can have a narrow waist and wide hips

Yes they can, but Mei is designed in a way that specifically avoids any fat on her stomach… which just doesn’t happen if you’re fat.