Would you be willing to solo tank for 1-3-2?

I think solo tanking could be fun…IF they give them proper buffs.

You know, I think playing one super powerful tank would be less fun than playing one normal tank.

I want to win fights because I’m good and I play well, not because I have huge health and damage to make me stronger than my opponent.

Solo tanking is what drove me away from the game originally.

With the way blizzard treats tanks, there’s really no way they’re prepared to balance them sufficiently enough to solo.


I’m willing to give it a shot, but I didn’t mind solo tanking nearly as much as I did solo healing, which always felt like a chore to me. I suppose it depends what changes they make to Sigma, Zarya and Orisa to make them solo tanks.

Pretty much, if this sort of thing were to come to the live game, serious balance changes would have to come with it.

Barriers would need the health back, tanks would need to be tankier, off tanks would need something to be able to reliably compete with the main tanks

It just seems like a bad idea for the game in my opinion, but could work with major changes.

However, regardless of changes, I don’t feel like many people want to be the only tank. Tanks draw the most fire(obviously) and between having no backup tank and drawing even more fire than before it would lead to tanks spending more time in the spawn room than before.

guy isnt worth arguing with, see quote

dealing with genji/tracer/doom at the same time…rip EVERY single support


pretty much (20 characters fun)

I’ll try it, but to be honest to function in this enviroment a hero like D.Va needs a LOT of changes, not just to Defense Matrix, but literally every aspect of her kit including her gun.

And if its just Defense Matrix lol no.

It’s a Genji profile picture, I could have guessed as much lol

I just wish these people would be honest about just wanting both shorter queue times and other roles staying as their free kills.

The dishonest gaslighters that try to make tank/support players think every single crippling nerf is “good for you” while simultaneously crying about any tiny touch-up of problem DPS, they just…yeah.


Sigh, its happening. I don’t want to try this really.

In a 1/3/2 world, it would be more like this.


  • armor increased to 750
  • Health decreased to 0
  • Missile cooldown decreased by 2 seconds.
  • Defense Matrix cooldown decreased to 1 second.
  • Defense Matrix duration increased to 4 seconds.
  • Critbox removed.
  • Boop damage increased to 50 damage
  • Slow on fire removed
  • Steadfast passive added to D.Va

Then I’d be willing to solo tank with her.


Not really, but if it meant winning then I would do it.
But honestly this will be the biggest mistake in OW, followed closely by role queue.

You are trying to substitute a terrible team making system with forced roles, which takes the thinking out of OW.

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yeah id play her then, but shed be so busted its not even funny

imo, D.Va is so close to being perfectly balanced, she just needs her matrix range back

i wonder who on the dev team liked this change and if there was anyone playing tank that liked it.

i mean i could be down for single tank if i get a proper team to work with.
for example a peeler that helps the tank do what they do, kind of like an off-tank does.

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Honestly, if she’s the ONLY tank. I don’t think she would. I think all the tanks would need buffs even Reinhardt.


  • Shield health increased to 2500
  • Cooldown on firestrike decreased by 2 seconds.
  • Armor increased to 300

Just for an example.

If this ever got passed. All tanks ultimates have to be changed to offensive ones. None of them be team reliant. You re-work tank heroes to cater to dps players. And on top of it. Still can’t get POTG. Because your ult means jack crap towards the system. That would be total garbage.

They said it was a very controversial topic and that is why it is in the “experimental” mode as it is only for an experiment to see how it goes. No doubt it will probably cause more problems that it solves, but who knows.

id be able to go around just busting up every dps on the enemy team pretty safely with those changes

That’s the point. In 1/3/2, 1 tank needs to be as powerful as 2 tanks are currently. They would need to be twice as strong.