Would making Rez an ability only usable during Valkyrie make her balanced and fun to play again?

I can see how this would possibly lead to unfun/boring gameplay when the only thing you could possibly do as Mercy is heal and damage-boost.

I’ve seen Eevee’s post about how Valkyrie can be tuned down a bit and make it more balanced. I’ll put a link to Eevee’s post here: Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

Honestly, Eevee has great suggestions on how to balance Valk, such as reducing the duration from 15 secs to 12 secs.

I don’t think players would just use Valk solely for the Rez ability. I think Valk is already a good ult for keeping teammates alive through chain healing, although Mercy’s healing has been/will be reduced from 60/s to 50/s soon, so currently, I can’t say how useful Valk will be in the future.